Philosophy Spirituality

Perfection Is Boring and Sick


perfection is boring


this is not even to vindicate imperfection

this is to destroy perfection


perfection is a malicious aim

perfection is a poisonous dream

perfection is a product of an imperfect artist, imperfect creator


there’s nothing interesting about perfection

nothing perfect about perfection

perfection is not real

it’s a sick goal, product of a confused mind

creation is a process. it is never finished

perfection is finished and it is dead and it is not existing and not real


TRUE creative doesn’t care about perfection

he cares about creation

perfection is completion is cessation

it’s the end of creation and end of exploration

which creative wants to end creating?

perfection is perversion


perfection is of the ego

ego is of insecurity

perfection is insecurity, perfectionism is insecurity

you want to be perfect so that you are perfectly accepted

you want to be perfect so that you are perfectly likely to be permanent, to not die

alas you can never be perfect. and you can never be permanent

even if you become the president of the world and prince of the moon — you will still be forgotten, in due time

perfection is ambition is violence


…what’s with only AIMING for perfection…?

why do you care?

it will never be perfect

it can only be creative

either you are creative or not

either you are intelligent or not

if you are utmostly creative, utmostly present, utmostly absorbed, utmostly intelligent — there is nothing more that can be achieved


perfection is boring

it’s the end of the story

perfection is uncreative

perfection is the end of creation, end of pursuit, end of exploration


perfection is boring

perfection is of standards

standards DESTROY creativity

if it’s too perfect — you should yearn to RUIN IT

…which is what we did, over the years:

it was too perfect so we made it more abstract

it was too pretty so we made it more ugly

it was too polished so we made it more raw

it was too planned so we made it more random

REAL artist knows instinctively that perfection is toxic

he understands his own insignificance

who cares about perfection?! it’s so boring!

there are no laurels at the end of the road… only death and fucking boredom

you STRAY from straight and narrow only to engage yourself, rouse yourself, only to STAY ALIVE


don’t let notions of perfection poison you

obviously don’t let notions of perfection deter you from acting

no one cares if you fail. no one will even notice. no one ever cares about you but you

but even if you’re acting — don’t act with no notions of perfection in mind — because it’s all nonsense and boring and terribly terribly inhibiting

the only perfection you should aim is perfection of your own attention, your own engagement, your own consciousness

be perfectly absorbed, perfectly dedicated, perfectly engaged, perfectly focused, intelligent, conscious, perfectly humble and respectful yet passionate and daring…

go wild

because perfection is boring