
Perfection Removes Individuality And Then Perverts

Perfection is an arbitrary construct

There’s only one direction — growth — and that is all that matters

Perfection is death, it is finite, it is the end, it is the betrayal of growth

Perfection is an elementary delusion about the ever-transient ever-changing nature of reality

As individuals – we inherit this fundamentally delusional ideal of perfection from others – by picking an arbitrary benchmark, dubbing it perfection – then indulging in perverse fantasies about it


When instead of changing and evolving you seek to BECOME, and become perfect — you create a distorted, twisted monstrosity

This is the corruptive nature of fantasies

Corruptive nature of delusion

Corruptive nature of dissolution


What happens first when we marry to an ideal is we lose our individuality

Individuality is spontaneous changing and unravelling and discovery of the self

It is destroyed when we cease this beautiful transformation by fixing ourselves in an arbitrary model


This is the reason why so many of those PERFECT PEOPLE are so terribly bland and devoid of true character

Even their individuality is fake — an icing on the cake of fake perfect image

And so is the individuality of their believes

And the individuality of their lives — false idiosyncrasies


This is the reason why beyond certain level of competence — “improvement” comes at a detriment to individuality

To perform better you must be a better robot

Think a sportsman or high ranking corporate worker or a politician

There comes a time when you must choose between other people’s standards — and your own vision

And the moment you choose the latter — you are instantly out of the game

You’re out of the game which supported your (false) sense of identity

On your own, just like when you were born

As you can see: it’s easier to be a will-less little robot — then it is to be on your own


And when you continue worshipping the false god of other people’s perfection and fantasies — you become this perverted abomination

You become the workoholic sick “hustler”

The plastic surgery freak

The insecure petulant little rapstar baby

A fool on a stupid boat with stupid guns and stupid bikini models

You become your own caricature


…but it’s not so difficult

There are two choices



and the latter is still the choice of CHOOSING some PERVERTED IDEAL…and letting it pervert you

or choosing nothing at all, just a bland, will-less existence

but you don’t have to choose either of the latter, because you can just CHOOSE YOURSELF

to go your own path

be your own measure

and make your own perfection