The greatest peril of “self-taught” mentality is the bubble of greatness you blow around yourself, also referred to as “ignorance”, “Dunning–Kruger effect”, et al.
It’s not that KNOWLEDGE isn’t there
It is
But you applying it — within your echo chamber of self-satisfaction — prevents you from receiving the crucial negative feedback
The role of teachers is not to tell you something you don’t know — their’s role is to tell you something you know but nevertheless refuse to admit
Life is the greatest teacher
Life will tell you what you do wrong
But for that you have to be a professional — you have to have skin in the game
You PAYING the price for your shortcomings will be sufficient reminder that you’re not so perfect
This is how life shows you where the work needs to be done = teaches you, plays the role of the teacher.
But unless you have something to gain AND something to lose — you won’t listen.
You won’t listen but pat yourself on the back.
Otherwise — I recommend being as self-taught as possible
Obviously utilise all the learning resources you can find, and learn from everyone you can
But don’t be dependent on it
If greatness is of any interest to you — you will EVENTUALLY have to walk alone. If greatness could be taught — every student would be “great”
I feel like everything I say here is obvious — but from my observations — few live those truths
The temptation to play a little game with oneself and erect an EGO around it is too high
It’s innate, really — thus quite beyond your control
Find people who disagree with you
Find ways to be criticized
Find ways for the reality to HUMBLE you
And FOCUS YOURSELF in the REAL WORLD, REAL WAYS you can BENEFIT YOUR REAL LIFE — and not philosophy, not theories, not nonsense, not ideas, not ideology — only the REAL LIFE
Please be simple