Happiness is the default state of LIVING.
Or it was the default state when you were born. But this and that happened — you recorded it in memory — and ever since it obscured this pristine, innate happiness.
Pleasure is a side effect of LIVING.
Living is doing things and moving — and pleasure is a side effect of it.
Pleasure in and of itself is empty. It has no meaning
I’m not saying this in a moralizing way. EVERYONE knows it, deep in their hearts. In our age of CHEAP PLEASURE, CHEAP DOPAMINE — everyone has had their opportunity to TRY ALL THE PLEASURE UNDER THE SUN, see how much happiness it brings.
-You tried consumerism and you found it to be empty. And no, it’s not because you’re broke and need a bigger toy.
-You GORGE on disgusting shiny fake virtual drugs, and what has it brought you? A dull, sick taste in your mouth, minutes-turned-hours wasted, and a temporary escape from actual life.
-You ate fast food and fast news and fast gossip and fast “knowledge” and the faster it got the more fleeting the pleasure, and the greater the hunger.
-But even the conventional pleasures, if abused but the slightest — devalue immediately. Excitement, adventure, sex, luxury, meaningless novelty…
Pleasure is actually less than empty
Pleasure, if pursued — becomes a distraction
As such it becomes detrimental to your goals
And like so: detrimental to your happiness
With pleasure you shall DULL your own stress and dissatisfaction with existence
Therefore you will never address those problems
And die an overstimulated zombie, never to have lived
Pleasure is a side effect of LIVING — NOT the point.
And happiness is the default state — and it is facilitated, but not caused by the pleasure.
Your pleasure should be derived from what you’re DOING.
From your life purpose
Not from the realization of that purpose — which is merely a temporary satisfaction — but from the journey, obviously. Pleasure is a side effect of doing, not being.
Your pleasure should be derived from what you’re DOING — DOING EVERY DAY
What inspired you every day
What you improved every day
What you did good every day
What you learned every day
What you changed every day
Should you abandon pleasure pursuits altogether? Should you never have pleasure for the pleasure’s sake?
Actually, WHY NOT?
If you had all the pleasure in the world resulting from JUST LIVING — would you need any extra pleasure?
This is especially true today. The sources of empty pleasures proliferated uncontrollably
But most good things in life are also pleasurable:
–Work well done is pleasurable, and satisfying and engaging and exciting, even
-Learning is pleasurable, it is exhilarating, it is fascinating. And it is never-ending
-Creativity is pleasurable. Exhilarating. Intoxicating really. And deeply satisfying.
-Productivity (=boring version of creativity) is pleasurable. It’s satisfying. It’s a fun game AND useful.
-Healthy lifestyle is pleasurable: healthy food tastes great (once you develop taste for it), exerting your body like your ancestors did makes you feel good inside, fresh air, sun, it makes you feel very good inside
-Indeed fucking moving in space, using your body physically, for whatever purpose — it is pleasurable, it feels good
-Living with people, working with people, socializing with people — obviously it is pleasurable. And it’s what we humans do anyway, for business or for entertainment or for no reason whatsoever
-Making love — ACTUAL LOVE — is pleasurable (and when it’s love, or with love — then it is indeed meaningful and good. Pleasure is a side-effect)
Should you abandon pleasure pursuits altogether? Should you never have pleasure for the pleasure’s sake?
I recommend taking all your pleasure with something of meaning.
And all the pleasure you take I recommend you to deepen it.
By “meaning” I don’t mean mere conventional worldly meaning, or “success”.
I am referring to the deep sense of contentment, the well-being, the feeling of aliveness.
Take pleasure in taking care of yourself, in taking care of others, in taking care of leaving this world a little better of a place, or making the world around you a little better of a place
And by deepening — I recommend the evolution, greater and great sophistication, increased celebration of that very pleasurable subject you are experiencing
The catch here is not to attempt to increase the intensity of the source — which is a futile pursuit. More drugs is not more pleasure
The catch is to elevate one’s attention. One’s appreciation. One’s awareness.
For the modern human, I do recommend relative asceticism. You may want to get rid of most modern improvements, to some degree.
I recommend meditation — which is literally the opposite of pointless overwhelming inflow. It’s the absolute cessation of inflow
And like I said — I recommend sophistication.
AND foremost — I recommend taking your pleasure en passant with DOING THINGS and LIVING LIFE
Also understand that you’re addicted, you’re a junkie
Your brain doesn’t understand that the pleasure was empty and dopamine was dirty
If you deprive it of it’s easy source — it will feel worse at first. It will have less feel-good chemicals.
But of course if you persist — the source will be replaced. More “ordinary” things shall become more pleasurable
…and even if the won’t — you will still benefit. For now you learn that the way you WERE LIVING EVERY DAY was NOT HARMONIOUS with your well-being.
Perhaps you’re NOT doing something that engages you. That brings you to you. That brings value to you and the world. Perhaps that’s why you’re not enjoying it.
And perhaps how you arranged your life is a LIE. Perhaps what you thought you wanted is nothing what you actually want
Once you get rid of the pleasure-drug, pleasure-anti-depressant — you will actually be ABLE TO SEE
Please see
Please clear you mind
Please get rid of that distraction
Please understand that pleasure is a SIDE EFFECT
Please find your purpose and experience all the pleasure that goes with pursuing it
Please LIVE LIFE to the fullest — which invariably entails all the pleasure under the sun
But don’t pursuit pleasure alone — which is utterly hollow
Please be simple and happy and full of enjoyment