Politics consists of:
-or cynical idiots
Politics doesn’t attracts idealists, does it?
Idealists are too busy actually impacting the world
They don’t have time for the politicking nonsense, demagogy, marketing, lobbying, debating, talking…
This is NOT to say that politics are useless and we don’t need a government
Obviously we need rules
Obviously we need some degree of governance
Obviously there are problems which are best solved at scale, united
e.g. war, global catastrophe, LAW, arguably some industrialisation and education and infrastructure, etc.
This is ALSO not to say that DEMOCRACY is to blame
Yes, mediocre majority has no ability to select competent leaders, as they themselves have no notion what competence is
But democracy is still the best system we have, because it’s SELF-correcting
The correction may be slow, but it’s there
No one holds power forever
The stupid mistakes made by horrible leaders chosen by stupid majority are but a necessary evil, the price to pay for the fantastic, INVALUABLE ability to ADAPT, CORRECT, AUTO-CORRECT
But yes, politics and politicians are obviously idiots and cynics, or idiotic cynics
They obviously don’t understand how to run the country,
And NEITHER DO YOU AND I. Because the world is REALLY complicated
The difference is that politicians know how to POLITICK
They know how to bullshit, know how to sell, know how to look good, know how to attract votes, etc.
The better you are at the above skills — the less qualified at actual substance you can be
Thus those skills are actually impediments to actual ability, actual usefulness — a distraction from building actual competence
But those skills are the very prerequisite for being a politician
So how does country run itself, then?
Almost by accident, actually
The creative and entrepreneurial are the real architects of the progress, ANY progress.
Economic progress is THE progress, it ALWAYS correlates with improved standards of living and flourishing of culture and societal progress. Often NOT immediately, but always over the long term
Then there’s the actually hard working, honest folk — who are the builders of this progress
Then there’s you and I, the individuals, with our wishes and desires
We vote for how we want to live and how we want the world to look like
We vote with dollars, which is capitalism
And we vote with votes, which is democracy
The latter is when it finally gets to the politicians
They are there merely to answer our wishes
The wishes often not being the wisest
Then the politicians putting their own spin on it, over-promising here and there to get elected, then compromising here and there to reconcile different groups and contradictory wishes
They do a better job of it or worse
But they ain’t no fucking creators
The creators are THE creators, the business people, the entrepreneurs, the scientists, the engineers, the artists even
The votes then pertain to some narrow aspect of that WEALTH and PROGRESS and WELFARE being created by the actually useful, the parts where we believe we should be making that decision together, as some group, and then have elected government execute our wishes,
But this is just a small part of the whole
Of course there are exceptions
Should any of those cunts steal the throne for good — it is STOLEN indeed
Republic means res publica means common wealth.
It belongs to us
Some may have rights to greater part of it, some to lesser, but it’s OURS
It doesn’t belong to any dictator
So yes
As long as it’s the “stupid democracy” — we can sleep safe that the stupid politicians whom we entrust with powers DON’T REALLY OWN SHIT, and barely impact shit
The SINGLE danger, and SINGLE reason to get worried about politics, is when it becomes LESS DEMOCRATIC
And indeed, thus:
Politicians are idiots
They are the idiots who thought they had a clue how to run the country
How to organise the society
Who believed in politics
Who believed that what they saw on the TV was real
Who believed that what they read in a political manifesto was a great idea, that they would bring about to life
Who believe their opinions are meaningful and relevant — even though they BARELY KNOW SHIT about the matter. They really see no contradiction here. Then they go on the TV to speak about it
They are the idiots who think politics is how you change the world. Not education, not science, not technology, not building great things themselves — but by GAMING the fucking system
And politicians are cynics
Those are the cynics who quickly learn that what they say and what they do are two different things…
Most man are weak and they say one thing and do another thing
Then they’re ashamed of it
Not politicians
They make a living by saying one thing and doing another
The notion of truth doesn’t exist to them
It has no value
Indeed in real world nothing is 100% true, nothing is certain
However INTENT, which is an abstract construct — IS quite binarly true or not
Once you defined the rule — either you stand by it or not. It’s either TRUE to the rule — or not
In physical world all the precautions under the sun don’t guarantee that there won’t be some utter fathomless inexplicable miracle which ruins all the science and explanations you had
But in the closed system of your personal beliefs, in the closed system of your personal conscience — what you SAY AND DO either is COHERENT — OR NOT
…Not for a cynic
Cynic doesn’t even hold personal truths
To him there is no true at all
Only gain
Spend enough time consuming politics — you acquire POLITICAL BRAIN ROT
Of course you would
Politics distorts the truth and turns idealists into cynics
Politics exists by representing in absolute precisely that which is not absolute, turning clueless INNOCENT idiots into ARROGANT idiots
Lie with confidence
Bullshit with confidence
And you’re as good as though you had the answers, you’re as good as though you were telling the truth
This is what politics does to people,
OF COURSE it would do the same to those who CONSUME too much of it
The very act of that excessive political consumption indicates excessive faith put in those people and institutions
Excessive desire to believe the obvious bullshit coming out of their foul and ignorant mouths
When you start believing a politician — you have already begun the process of repudiating the truth, the reality
You have started the engine of justification and rationalisation and bullshitting and sophism, rather than truth pursuing
Before you know it you have a “political brain rot”
Your fucking brain is rotten
All abstract games, where your real world outcomes are detaches from your real world daily actions — have this destructive effect on your CLARITY
But politics is of course the worst perpetrator
Even worse than religion
Religion at least doesn’t pretend to be secular and objective and achieving anything real in THIS world, just some bullshit salvation no one has ever seen
Politicians are just like priests, telling fairy tales of miraculous economy resurrections and national redemption — except we collectively still believe their nonsense just like we believed the priests 100 years ago
What is the conclusion?
Politics is necessary
You likely don’t deserve to have a political opinion
In the same time you must, when things are truly going off the fucking rails
Then again you don’t, because the real impact is what you DO every day
If you find yourself fascinated by politics, please enjoy yourself
But spend 99% of the time studying political history (and economy) and 1% listening to bullshit of politicians
And that 1% that you do listen — don’t hate those idiots and those cynics. They are the public servants, after all.
Just remember what they are
Maybe that will remind you not to become like them
Not to take their nonsense too seriously
And take care of your real life, which gives you real returns, and which teaches you real lessons