Lifestyle Spirituality

Positive In Negative

You don’t want to be positive in a negative situation

Being “positive” in a negative situation is just being delusional

You want to use that negativity to exit the negative situation — THEN be positive


If you do avoid negative outcomes and do create positive outcomes — there is EVERYTHING to be POSITIVE about, and nothing to be negative about!

But if you use “positivity” to justify your inaction — then you’re just deluding yourself, to your detriment


Action comes before the attitude

Attitude serves action, action doesn’t serve the attitude

The purpose of “positive attitude” is to bring about “positive” actions, actions which yield positive, desirable outcomes.

But if your “positivity” is not followed with the right action — then it’s just a coping mechanism.


Therefore get over being so blind with your POSITIVE MANTRAS

(and if you’re negative — get over being so blind with your negative mantras!)

DO something first,

Then be positive,

Actually LIVE life first, ACTIVELY — then be positive

Not before it

Or else it’s just an escape

And guess what — all escapism is NEGATIVE


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