There’s the situation.
This situation has positive aspects and negative aspects.
To improve it is to:
-amplify the positive aspects
-eliminate the negative aspects
This is all there is to it.
“Positive thinking”, Optimism, “Law of Attraction”…
Give me a fucking break
So of course you “focus” on the positive
And you eliminate the negatives
Because otherwise you’re just insane
There is only ONE attitude, and it is characterised by:
everything else is nonsense
Everything else is nonsense
If it’s doesn’t include being realistic — then it’s by definition nonsensical. It’s like driving a car fucking blindfold.
NOT FOCUSING ON POSITIVE is even greater nonsense — because it basically means NOT-improving.
What’s the point of doing anything if not to do it well? (either for some reward — OR for the reward of the thing in and of itself)
When you have an opportunity to improve — you IMPROVE. Everything else is nonsense. It’s like someone offered you a choice between 1000 dollars or 10000 dollars — and you took 1000. It’s nonsense. Not improving is nonsense.
Therefore pessimism is nonsense
Optimism is nonsense
Scepticism is nonsense too
Criticism is fucking nonsense
Do you know what is not nonsense?
Do you know what is not nonsense?
And emotionally?
Here’s the emotion to experience: GRATITUDE
Do you know why?
Because your alternative is being fucking dead
If you’d rather be dead — which is how some people feel — then of course kill yourself. This is (possibly) an improvement, then.
But if you’d rather not be dead — well, you aren’t. So be grateful. You have an opportunity to LIVE. To make the most out of it.
Now make the most out of it — or die trying.
This is why being “negative”, clinging to negative emotions — is , you guessed it, FUCKING NONSENSE
If you weren’t confused and ignorant — you would understand that the only emotion to feel is LOVE AND GRATITUDE
Because you EXIST
Unfortunately you are confused, you repress your own mortality, you repress the gift of infinite freedom — therefore, of course you feel bad because someone said something mean to you or someone has a bigger rocket then you
Just understand that this is logically nonsense
Therefore “being positive” is the only right attitude
Smile and amplify the positives, ameliorate the negatives
Smile and amplify the positives, ameliorate the negatives
Every single situation in your past and future will have positive sides and negative sides
OF COURSE you will focus on the positives — so that you can have more of them, and improve them still
And of course you will be aware of negatives. It’s an OPPORTUNITY TO IMPROVE.
Thus both “POSITIVE” and “NEGATIVE” are POSITIVE — both present an opportunity for improvement.
So OF COURSE you’re “optimistic”.
To be willing to IMPROVE is to be optimistic.
To be optimistic is to be willing to improve.
Any other attitude just means that you don’t truly want improvement, advancement, elevation (for whatever reason)
Smile and amplify the positives, ameliorate the negatives
Every single situation is an opportunity,
Therefore every single situation is deserving of your GRATITUDE
And finally: every single situation in your life means that YOU’RE ALIVE
Therefore every single situation is deserving of your LOVE
You may not feel this way,
But please understand it
Once you understand how FORTUNATE you actually are – you can at least begin investigating what caused you to doubt it
Which, actually, will be nothing less but ameliorating the negative
(especially from your psyche and your past — but also from your actual current life)
“Positive” is simply will to improve
“Negative” is the result of your confusion
Confusion in regard to the fact that every MOMENT, EVERY SITUATION — is an OPPORTUNITY — and that the alternative is death
When you see — then you can only feel GRATEFUL for this opportunity — and overwhelmed with a desire to DO THINGS, LIVE LIFE
live life