Philosophy Spirituality

I Noticed I Only Ever Long Into The Future When That Is Immediate Problem Tormenting Me In the Now

I noticed I only ever long into the future when there is immediate problem tormenting me in the NOW.

I never really dream about getting hold of X amount of money or putting my hands on someone or something when I am lost in the boundless vastness of the freedom.

Obviously the former is nothing else but nonacceptance.

Obviously, psychologically, future is only ever conceived when there is non-acceptance.


All the problems either immediately or persistently create this schism between the current reality and the future vision of the solution.

But the problems are only not when the life is not.

Psychologically, however, problems need not to be when there is intimate contact with reality.



p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>Then again I imagine for your common person there never is such communion with the moment as for the future to cease existing.