
Your Problems Don’t Make You Special

We actually believe our problems are unique!

Well they are not, and it’s a fact.

(If you don’t believe me — then let go of your ignorance and google your problems, read some diaries, read some biographies, and I guarantee — you you’ll find someone dealing with EXACT SHIT you’re dealing with (you may even find your lost twin))


What’s the meaning of this?

It means you can let go of defining yourself by your unique problems — there’s nothing unique about them, nor about you.


It means you can humble up — your problems are nothing to be proud about.

If you must — be proud about solutions, be proud about what you did today


It means there are solutions!

Humans tend to solve problems which repeat, you know?

Someone solved your fucking problem.


And now that you no longer need your problems to DEFINE yourself and your struggle,

now that you humbled up,

and now that you know there are solutions,

you can go ahead and ask for help


It also means there are no excuses,

You can do it yourself of you can get some help — but you no longer have the luxury of excuses

Truth is painful but liberating



It’s one thing to repeat clever words — and other to live them,

You must dig within now — and unravel all your spurious observations about the problems you’ve been dealing with, and how special you think you are

Otherwise those are merely words — words you know to be true, but nevertheless fail to live, and will continue deluding yourself

Once you observed that your problems really are not special — you must look at yourself harshly.

We tend to get quickly used to whatever reality betides us,

Some problems we failed to solve suddenly become a twisted badge of honour

But now that you know the truth — you must get rid of this identity, humble up — and there’s always resistance to that


Cheer up!

You’ll die anyway — might as well let die of some of your identities, some of your problems,

You are not so special — don’t take yourself so seriously

Your problems are not so special — don’t take them so seriously

Go look for some solutions and move the fuck on