Lifestyle Philosophy


One either does something to get something

or does something just to do it.

If it’s the former

then anything less then COMPLETE PROFESSIONALISM is just nonsensical.


Professionalism is identical with intelligence identical with awareness, high discernment.

You’re either aware what must be done or not.

You either do what must be done or not.

You’re either aware that you MUST DO what MUST BE DONE – or not.


If you have a goal — you have direction.

To have a goal and no direction is to be stupid.

You either have goal and direction – or you have no direction and no goal. Just a stupid whim.


Professionalism is identical with intelligence

Intelligent approach to any specific problem is PROFESSIONALISM.


Lack of professionalism is wishful thinking is stupidity.

You either do what you know is right – or not.

There is no hope. You know you’ll do what must be done.

Whatever is there that should be left to chance – this is not in your hands now.

But you did what you had to do and that is PROFESSIONALISM.


Lack of professionalism is identical with stupidity.

It is literally building on sand. No more no less.

It’s literally TRYING TO LOSE.

It’s literally like purposefully doing the OPPOSITE of what must be done.


To hope to improve one’s effectiveness/ performance/ results in any way

without being PROFESSIONAL first

is the pinnacle of delusion

purest distraction.


It’s easy to hustle because hustle is stupid

it’s harder to be professional because professionalism requires intelligence.


One who forgets things

is late

doesn’t meet the deadlines

doesn’t do what he says

doesn’t say what he thinks

doesn’t mean what he thinks


There’s no point expecting anything more from that person. The world should, and will find someone else whose professional.