Lifestyle Philosophy World

Promises of Results

Don’t listen to the promises of results because tomorrow’s results are fucking useless.

Unless you’re living authentically in this very moment — you are not living at all.

When I read another public account of achievements, the inspiring “changes” which occurred in the “past few months” — all I can see are the poor fools counting their days to the elusive moment of deliverance.

This vicious circle must end. There is NO DELIVERANCE. The sooner this is understood the sooner can one ACTUALLY LIVE.

By selling the dream of deliverance, the dream of FUTURE SUCCESS — you are lying to others, lying to yourself. Can we build a world on lies? Yes, we will be “successful”, yes, we will have worked on building things and building wealth – but WHEN , my friend, WHEN will the PROBLEMS OF EXISTENCE be addressed?

The time to live is now. NO, it’s not the time to “build things”. It’s the time to BE ALIVE, 100%.

Build things WHEN YOU’RE ALIVE.

Don’t build with the hope of being alive one day.

You are escaping the truth about existence, escaping the responsibility that comes with the gift of life.