Philosophy World

Quotes Entail Misquoting…

Words entail misunderstandings

Quotes entail misquoting


one could rant forever about the limitations of the words, philosophically

limitations of the words to describe, examine reality with

wiser man did that before


I see a more prosaic problem,

in our prosaic everyday life.

In our prosaic everyday life, we take sentences, quotes, words away from the context,

We take words literally,

And of course we take words over actions


I consider this a cultural problem

(culture of course comprises of individuals — so it is as much you-problem and me-problem)

We live in the times when words came to mean more than the reality of things

And then we live in the times when words came to pretend they mean more than they actually mean

And finally we live in the times when words actually lost their meaning — yet pretend to mean so much, pretend to mean more than the reality itself


Serious one really doesn’t so much listen to the words

He really doesn’t care so much about WHO SAID WHAT

It’s too abstract, too insignificant to be considered in isolation,

There’s really no time for that

There is work to be done


Serious one knows he CAN’T KNOW a person by a single opinion,

or a fancy fucking QUOTE,

or the headline of some filthy journalistic spawn.


But our culture doesn’t know that,

And our modern culture is yet immature in it’s modernity

And we have too many words to dwell on, all recorded forever in the depths of the internet,

We use them like they mean something,

Like they are so important

Instead of caring to look at what’s really important

Instead of examining the BIGGER picture