
Rationalise The Irrational, Subjectify The Objective

There’s the known

the logical, the understandable, the measurable, the objective, the rational, etc.

And there’s the unknown,

the inscrutable, the subjective, the irrational, etc


Our idea of the world is obviously a blend of the two

Concepts which are logical, which are coherent, which are sensible,

Observations which suggest a generalisation with greater or lesser probability,

Hypothesis in particular cases

And the total unknowns which make no sense


Now, this fact in and of itself is not a problem — it’s just reality

The problem starts with our inability to tell apart what we KNOW from what we DON’T KNOW,

But even this is a known problem. I certainly had spoken of it.

Not Know You Don’t Know, Not Know You Know

Unknown is a great word…

say “I DON’T KNOW” when you DON’T KNOW

There’s No Confidence, There’s No Humility — Only Action

(granted the ideas are quite haphazardly laid out)

and other’s had spoken more wisely about it


My point in this text is even more specific, fallacious mental habit we develop in assessing the reality.

The consequence of LEARNING things, MAKING THINGS KNOWN, and of THINKING LOGICALLY and making LOGICAL THEORIES — is that we begin to believe that the world is MORE RATIONAL than it actually is.

And the converse consequence of dealing with UNCERTAINTY, with OPPOSING VIEWS and THEORIES, with CONTRADICTORY EVIDENCE, with SUBJECTIVITY and INDIVIDUALITY and DIVERSITY — is that we begin to believe that the world is MORE SUBJECTIVE than it actually is

Both are of course distortions

And to make things worse: you can hold BOTH distortions at once. And most likely you do

You likely RATIONALISE and GENERALISE some aspects of reality which are irrational and inscrutable and entirely unclear

And you likely QUESTION some aspects of reality which are NOT open to a debate, and definitely not at the level at which you challenge them, with your “subjective opinion”


What’s the conclusion?

There is no more conclusion then one which is present already in the premise

The world has aspects which are LOGICAL, or MEASURABLE, and KNOWN

And the world has aspects which are NOT measurable, not understandable, not clear, NOT known

And you can’t philosophically, epistemically over-generalise


Any given subject likely has far more KNOWN MEANINGFUL DETAILS to unravel than you initially would like to assume

While in the same time it likely has far more UNKNOWN than you’d suspect AFTER having become familiar with those various details, giving you now the illusion of KNOWING


And of course this leaning, this bias, this cognitive distortion, it becomes a habit

Because DECISION-MAKING is a habit

Decision making is life-living. Obviously it becomes a habit. There’s no time to over-think every single decision every day.

Whether the path is clear or not clear — a CLEAR, CONCRETE DECISION must be made

So of course your BIAS towards either world TOO RATIONAL, or TOO SUBJECTIVE, is a habit

And you must be aware of this habit


Finally, obviously educate yourself of the nature of truth

In the real world the truth can only be probable

It’s as probable as often it repeats in as similar circumstances as possible

Only theories, models have certainties — derived from the logical coherence of one premise with another

And finally — probable is not all equal — because errors are not equal.

There are probabilities you’ll gladly gamble on — and probabilities you would never want to risk


Finally look around yourself,

The idea that everyone is entitled to have an opinion has corroded public discourse

We are drowning in nonsense and lies and noise proliferated by idiots and frauds

We can’t imprison them because we have freedom of speech.

But we can choose not to listen to them. Let them speak to the void. We can all individually choose the quality of the source we choose to listen to — and NOT listen proven frauds and liars and deranged degenerates.

This is one consequence of the idea that “world is so subjective”, and “TRUTH is so subjective”


Likewise look around yourself and see the arrogance of the so called “intellectuals”, the “knowing”,

To their arrogance and their ultracrepidarian delusions we owe this corrosion of authority

The experts failed to stay in their fucking lane

And then expertise and knowledge and education became commoditised — sold as a magic-pill insurance against unemployment

The pill became more and more devoid of any substance,

And the pill-makers, the academia, the intellectuals, the thought-leaders — became as empty of caricatures


Don’t argue with that which is actually known

Don’t argue with the REAL EXPERT who actually has REAL TRACK RECORD of outcomes far better than yours

Don’t argue if you can’t argue both sides — which is the minimum proof of having any idea about the subject in the first place.

But in the same time — don’t blindly trust any single source, nor trust anything with your life

Learn more and think more and do more — ESPECIALLY DO MORE — so that you get humbled

As you get humbled you cure any fallacious notions of HAVING ALL THE ANSWERS