Philosophy Spirituality World

The Real Cause of Disagreement

The ultimate cause of disagreement is our unreadiness for agreement


We don’t really want peace. We don’t really want consensus. What we want is to be LARGE. Larger then our neighbour, larger then our brother, larger then our lover.


The absurdity of most conflicts doesn’t as much point at our stupidity as it points at our perverse unwillingness to agree.

If we truly wanted communication — we’d find a way to crystallise our points and walk each other through them.


Alas we don’t want peace. We want to be large. And the only way to be large is to be larger. Larger then our neighbour larger then our brother larger then our lover.


You can seek to resolve the conflicts through logic. I encourage precision and consistency in formulating one’s points.

If you truly seek peace, however…

Love is the only answer


At the end of the day it never matters who was right and who was wrong

we don’t even remember the conflict itself, and neither do the dead

What really matters is that there is conflict,

It was there before we set at each other

The conflict was there because we were conflicted


Only INSIGHT into the ONENESS resolves the conflict

oneness of mankind, which is love

oneness of the mind, which is intelligence

one must perceive this oneness, in himself, in other person

it is then that the movement of separation ceases,

and with it the conflict





please look at the world with attentiveness, with understanding, without desire to explain but with all the desire to perceive

this is how you should see, this is how you should understand

once you understand

you will no longer know conflict