
Mistakes Are the Real Résumé

Your failures are your real résumé

The more the better

A few big failures is a terrible résumé

Many small and medium failures are a great résumé

Means you’ve TRIED

Likely you’ve learnt


Anyone can replicate “success”, once or twice

Anyone can pretend “success”, look success

And yet there’s no success without failure

If it doesn’t involve failure then it’s not a success

It means it’s a copy rather then innovation

You’re just a good robot

Not an individual and not a visionary

That’s not success


This is not to say you should seek to fail

That’s what losers do

Failures are inevitable if you aim high

High not in an ambitious sense but in a meaningful sense: looking not to merely reward your ego but to reward the world


Your failures are your real résumé

We brag instead

We screen for brags instead

Screen for failures; Find someone whose failed many times along his path; Just make sure he’s learnt from these failures