
Opinions Are Mere Remnants Of The Inquiry

Yes, you are entitled to your stupid fucking opinion

It’s just that nobody is compelled to listen to it

And since it’s stupid — nobody will


Nobody will listen to your stupid opinion but a stupid fool like yourself

See where I’m getting now?

Validation and consensus are not signs of validity and worth but of stagnation and mental constraint


We really ought to not search for agreement and recognition

but clarity

Mob is compelling but does it evoke a feeling of CLARITY? Does ideology inspire your soul with truth?

Compelling is not clarity


Conviction is not clarity either


Clarity is direct insight


Consensus is not clarity

Consensus is the end of inquiry

Clarity is perception. An act of enquiring perception. An unending inquiry.


Validation is the death of critical thought

Therefore you’re better of ignoring all validation


As for your clever opinion

I don’t care

And neither should you

What matters it not your opinion, not the opinion itself

What matters is the inquiry


The doubt, the questioning, the investigation


So yes you are entitled to your stupid opinion and your clever opinion


what’s the point?

The only thing that matters is whether you’re continuously intelligent, continuously exploring

Opinions, conclusions — are just the by-products