Lifestyle Philosophy World

Creativity Is Impossible to Replace

Creativity is impossible to replace

Creativity is impossible to solve

Creativity is impossible to obsolete


Creativity is the unravelling of the new

Creativity unravels the new, creates something new, births something new

Once it’s created — it’s NO LONGER new,

Now it’s old. It was new BEFORE it existed. It was UNKNOWN before it existed. Now it’s old. Now it’s known.

And now creativity must be deployed somewhere else… create something new

Only the old can be replaced,

Only the old can be solved

Only the old can be made obsolete

THE NEW is never replaced. It’s by definition new. Something new is created and that thing becomes “old” instantly — and something else is NEW now, something unknown.

And the NEW is never solved. It’s because it’s unknown. You can’t solve that which you can’t even see.

And the NEW is never obsolete. Obviously.


Any process which brings about something predictable is no longer creative.

That which is predictable is no longer “new”. Therefore no longer creative.

We can only create processes which are multiplicative.

We can create something new ourselves — and then MULTIPLY IT using our various processes.


Our multiplicative tools multiply our creativity.

But CREATIVITY precedes the multiplication. It’s the necessary input.

Without it it’s meaningless.


I am not philosophizing when I say “meaningless”.

The meaning of creativity is CREATIVITY. Not replication, multiplication, perpetuation.

Ultimately life-living is creativity.

We are not born merely to survive. We are born to thrive, to love, and to create.

Survival is indeed a very mundane process which is arguably best solved by imitation.


To thrive is to be creative, to be loving, to be on fire

Obviously no one can do this for you



whatever you deem to have been replaced,

or solved, or “killed”, or what have you

that which has been replaced or solved, that was NO TRUE CREATIVITY,

what has actually happened is that someone creative has created a tool to MULTIPLY his creativity,


the input remains THE DESIRE TO CREATE,

merely the tool, the multiplication process, merely that has changed,

and that was never THE CREATIVITY itself. It was merely medium through which it was coming to life

Creativity can’t be replaced. Only methods, tools, instruments, processes,

That which you think has been replaced or killed was NOT the creativity — and you were NO creative

The only creativity is creating something new


…in truth you should be grateful

We’ve many such false creatives, who are time and again “exposed” to be just mere imitators,

As ever: once you think you have it — you can no longer find it.

One who thinks he’s creative can never be creative. Only one who ever PURSUITS creativity — only that one is creative.


Only one who ever PURSUITS creativity — only that one is creative.

The one we call “creative”, the “creative” professions, the “creative” and “colourful” characters and stereotypes — that is rarely innately creative

It may be creative at that moment in time, when there’s natural demand for creative actions — but once the market is saturated with solutions — those same people suddenly find themselves without ideas,

True creative is never out of ideas. HE CREATES IDEAS. Incessantly. Regardless of what it is he’s doing. Once he’s done one thing — he’s on to the next thing.


…in truth you should be grateful

ANYONE can be creative

Creativity is so profoundly misunderstood

There’s nothing more GLORIOUS, DELICIOUS than creativity

Anyone can be creative.

The “uncreative” can find creativity

False creatives now get a second change at finding creativity

I recommend it to everyone

Be creative


Find your way

Do something different

Do something new


Do something exciting
