There are infinitely many possibilities, there are infinitely many resources
To be resourceful is to access those resources
YES, there are infinitely many resources
This is not a naive promise of your heart’s desires
This is merely stating of the fact that IF YOU DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY — YOU GET DIFFERENT OUTCOMES
Not until you can predict everything — can you state with confidence that the hope is lost.
You have NO IDEA what’s possible. Of course you don’t. Because you have NO IDEA what will happen. Good or bad.
Get your head out of your ass and see all the miracles around you, MIRACLES you could NOT in million years have predicted BEFORE they happened.
There are INFINITELY many resources.
Doesn’t mean you’ll get anything you want.
It only means you may get INFINITELY MORE than you have ever even conceived of
Resourceful does not mean opportunistic.
Opportunist is not much more resourceful than an average un-resourceful person
Opportunist just has less principles, less qualms, less misgivings
He will exploit resources and possibilities that you refuse to exploit
But he’s NOT accessing new resources, new ingenuous ideas and avenues
In opportunists defence — his freedom from moral constraints often translates to freedom from various other fatuous limitations
His willingness to break his own rules and principles typically is accompanied by willingness to break all other rules.
There is a degree of admirable liberation in it.
We should learn to DESTROY pointless limitations
And the crowning of that lesson is indeed becoming profoundly RESOURCEFUL.
When you don’t believe that any obstacle should stop you — all your energy is focused on looking for NEW resources.
Opportunist however fails to “destroy all untrue limitations”
The fundamental limitations he fails to transcend is the belief that he can’t get ahead without BREAKING THE RULES and EXPLOITATION
Like most man — he fails to appreciate just how vast the ocean of possibilities is
If he appreciated it — he wouldn’t have to break any of his principles, he wouldn’t have to compromise
Finally, it ultimately all boils down to what we VALUE
Why would we refuse to “compromise our principles” in the first place?
It’s because we VALUE THEM MORE than whatever we could attain by breaking them.
Opportunist typically doesn’t value his principles so much.
But ultimately we are all opportunists. We all have a price. There’s a price for which we sell ourselves. It’s basic economics, everything has a price.
So the best way to guarantee you don’t have to sell your fucking kidney — is already HAVING all your heart’s desires
Which is a function of both HAVING MORE — and WANTING LESS.
And HAVING MORE is a matter of resourcefulness indeed
I said opportunist is not resourceful. Indeed not. Resourcefulness kills opportunism.
There’s no reason to sell your principles if you already know how to get all you want.
It thus follows that FINDING MORE RESOURCES, becoming MORE RESOURCEFUL, EXPANDING AND ELEVATING oneself and one’s power and one’s resourcefulness — is the best way to:
-protect oneself from opportunism
-ACTUALLY protect one’s values
-and ACTUALLY VALUE something in the first place
As VALUES only derive meaning, derive value — from how they relate to other objects.
I do NOT believe in NOT elevating oneself, not expanding oneself.
There will be moment for you to contract and die. Now that you’re alive — it’s time to expand.
This of course means not only materialistic — but predominately an expansion of spirit and consciousness.
And RESOURCEFULNESS itself is predominately SPIRITUAL expansion.
And I believe VALUES are developed and refined and valued — as you expand, as you elevate.
From this perspective:
-Opportunist is just a petty thief, soon to have his hand cut off.
-Whereas everyone else are poor beggars.
Opportunist is at least trying to find ways to get ahead. He thinks breaking the rules is how you get ahead.
But either way neither beggar nor opportunist BELIEVE they can actually truly get ahead for good. Neither of them see ANY valid way out.
The KING sees the way forward, however. The KING has the resources.
To be the KING is to look around and see resources everywhere, possibilities everywhere, new lands everywhere.
This is the mindset to take.