Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Science Will Never Solve Your Problems

Science will never solve your problems

Not all of them, no

Not the real problems

The problems of LIVING

The problems of BEING YOU

The problems of LOVING

The problems of being “happy”


Science put man on a fucking moon (supposedly anyway)

It didn’t solve our problems


Science looks into our brains

“There’s no soul”, it says

It’s all the firing of the synapses or something

I’m not going to disagree with that

But it doesn’t solve our problems


Science can move you thousands miles within a day

But it can’t move your life


Science knows how the objects move

But they way you walk hasn’t changed for 200 000 years

You still put one leg forward and then other leg forward

No innovation


There will be no innovation

There’s nothing to innovate

The problems of existence are the same


This is why any spirituality vs science debate is stupid

Because those things are utterly unrelated


HOW YOU LIVE is a different problem altogether

You still want to be SENSIBLE about it

Rely on scientific tools, scientific method, logic, rely on it when you can

But how you solve YOUR problems will never be “science”

You can be scientific about it and should — but it will never be “science” because it’s too subjective. It pertains to you, and your individual life; It’s not very generalisable and it’s NOT REPLICABLE — because only you is you

And the same way: science won’t come into your life to solve your problems

There will be no scientific innovation in regard to HOW YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE


…yes you’ll learn what neurotransmitter puts a smile on your face and which one makes you get out of bed in the morning

So what?

You didn’t need that information to feel good or to feel terrible

It won’t solve your problems


Get over this folly of waiting for some crutch coming from the venerated science or the “great men” of this world or leaders

This confusion and turmoil will never be solved from the outside

Existence is your burden and you will have to deal with it alone

Whether you call it “spiritual” or “psychological” or “transcendental” or existential” or “philosophical” or what-have-you — the problem is still there

It’s your problem

You must deal with it by yourself

And this is how you deal with it — be relying on yourself and setting about exploring it deeply, profoundly

Until you know you

And you know you existing

And then you exist

at peace