there’s nothing clever in “seeing through BS”,
BS is BS in the first place — and it shouldn’t concern you, if you are serious
why are you even looking at BS?
why are you looking at politicians and ideologies and priests and memes and movements and celebrities?
if it’s BS indeed — why does it interest you?
if it’s BS indeed — what is ever to find there, but BULL’S SHIT?
“seeing through BS” is just like “criticizing”
you think you’re defeating the subject of your criticism — when really you’re only giving it more energy — your own energy.
what is unimportant dies on it’s own
don’t give it more energy
what this means in practice is i never look for something to criticize.. .i only criticize if it concerns me — AND i see a clear improvement
and i never boast my ability to see through BS — because there’s NO BS BEFORE MY EYES
I don’t want to be enlightened within a pile of shit, “seeing through bs” with a clarity of buddha
I don’t want to be the king of BS, no
I wanna be far away from BS, far above BS, seeing from above, not even noticing the little BS that doesn’t interest me
Don’t pride yourself in your contrarian ways and your clarity and your BS-radar,
there’s no pride in being the king of bullshit, king of shit
find something worthwhile to do and focus your energy on that,
artists and inventors and poets and lovers and DOERS have no time for “bs”.
get over it