Don’t be serious:
—not attributing excessive importance to something, and in so not wasting physical and intellectual and emotional energy, and resources too – and then failing anyway, missing the target anyway, because your hands were shaking
—not being a prideful, arrogant, conceited, self-important cunt – with all the obvious baggage which comes with it: the weight of it, the unwieldiness, the delusion, the distorted perception of reality, blindness really, the dysfunctional relationships…
don’t be serious doesn’t mean:
-be a clown, make others smile at your expense
–fail (for no good reason)
–not keep your word: to others, or to yourself
-read and think and talk and philosophize but DO nothing, strive to achieve nothing, and therefore stay ignorant
-be a joke – which all of the above entails
Words are dangerous,
Phrases are dangerous
We confuse one meaning with another,
Then use that confusion to pretend we understand
Clowns tell you to not be so serious
Neurotics tell you to grow up and be serious
Don’t be so serious. Don’t be a conceited neurotic cunt. Don’t take your rotting, expiring flesh so seriously. Don’t take the phantoms, mirages, ghosts in your head so seriously. SMILE instead.
But BE serious. Do everything to the best of your ability, like it’s the last thing you shall ever do. Utter every word like it’s your last words.
You’re so little it’s almost like you’re nothing,
but that little something that you are is everything
don’t presume it’s more than that. Don’t get all stressed out about it. It’s not worth a single tear, not worth a moment of hesitation,
Don’t presume it’s less than that. It is something therefore it is everything. Give it the respect it is due, and do your fucking best, today.