
Smallest change can be the GREATEST change

You want a MASSIVE change and all that.

You want to be massive hence you try to change massively.

You want to reinvent yourself, you want to be bigger you every day.

You want the whole world to see it because you think outside world is THE world.

But outside change is but a shadow of REAL inner change.


Smallest change can be the GREATEST change.

Smallest change can be THE CHANGE.

Inner change may seem small. May be instantaneous, immediate. Fugacious, tenuous.

A slight paradigm shirt.

A faint detail suddenly enriching one’s perception.

Light touch of contentment slowly permeating the whole being.

It may seem like a smallest change.

One hated oneself and suddenly he just… didn’t. Suddenly, the whole life truly becomes permeated by opportunity and hope.

One had a limiting belief until it miraculously… just DROPPED. And the whole LIFE just opened up, like a flower…

Such smallest change is the greatest change.

Don’t try to change your whole stupid life, all the petty problems you make such a big deal of.

Change yourself, and the world shall follow suit.