Lifestyle Philosophy World

Society, Rules, You and “Your Business”

It’s not just “your business”

It’s not just “your business” who you are and what you do

It’s everyone else’s business

(unless you’re living in the forest)


Obviously you are responsible

You are first responsible for “your business”

But then there’s everyone else you affect,

And then there’s how they affect you

And that is, again, YOUR business. Your problem.


Of course people will judge you

People will judge you so as to decide if they want to have anything to do with you

Life is short. If not you then someone else, someone more fitting

(so stop fucking saying “don’t judge me”. OWN who you are, and let that be judged)


Of course society will judge you

Society will judge you so as to decide if it wants to include you

Because it really doesn’t have to. It has it’s own problems


I LAUGH at both sides

The poor souls who drowned their souls in the gulf of their society, country, environment, religion, culture — no individuality, no personal will, no responsibility, no ideas, no fight left in them

And the false revolutionaries, anarchists, freedom-fighters, sociopaths — with their immature entitlement to all the benefits of the world, but no desire to reciprocate


Obviously you didn’t ask to be born into this world. But you were. It is what it is.

You are lucky to even have the privilege to entertain such pretentious ideas. You could be busy hunting something for dinner, like the rest of the animals

Nor did you ask for all the modern benefits and favours that came your way. But they did. For better or worse, it is what it is.


And likewise you didn’t ask for INFINITE FREEDOM

The BURDEN of freedom

But here you are. There’s infinitely many things that you could now do.

Could you change your destiny with a snap of your fingers? Probably not.

But could you choose to TRY something entirely new, choose out of the infinitely many possibilities inevitably available to you? Yes.


Here you are in this wild world,

And here you are in this society, this particular era, this particular place

To deny that there are RULES to this place is delusional

To deny that you have INFINITELY MANY CHOICES is delusional


You are in this society, it has rules,

People you meet have their standards and expectations,

Society will judge and people you meet will judge you

The world will reward you or punish you

You can pretend it’s not so but it is

You can cooperate, and you can compete


But in the same time, the possibilities are undeniable

The creativity is unlimited

The potential is unlimited

And you yourself can CHOOSE how you feel about this and that aspects of this world

You don’t have to play by ALL of their rules


But whichever way you choose — you must first understand what the rules are

What the society wants from you

What you want from the society

What the world wants from you

What you want from the world

What people want from you, how they judge you, how they discriminate

And what you want from people


If you don’t understand the rules — then you are neither the supporter nor the rebel

You don’t even know what you are

And not unlikely you would be surprised what you are

And not unlikely you are surprised how the world reacts to you, treats you, rewards you

And perhaps you have feelings and opinions about it — but it’s all your fault. Because you don’t understand the rules


You must know the rules

And in truth: you must reconcile the two realities

The reality of being absolutely utterly alone, in this world, as an individual:

-responsible for everything

-guilty of everything

And in the same time, appreciate this tapestry of the societal matrix:

-from every person you meet…

-all the way up to the very organisation of this world: the state, the economy, the culture, the religion, the classes, etc…


Every single person will judge you. Will potentially affect you. So will this society, the organisation you do business with, and the state on which territory you found yourself.

And you can choose what you do with it. How you cooperate. How you don’t cooperate. How you present yourself. What you give. What you don’t give. How you feel about it. How much you care. HOW YOU DEFINE YOURSELF AS A PERSON.

You choose.

YOU choose


But DENIAL is not the way

NOR is blind compliance

Solution to anything is the truth — NOT closing one’s eyes

Solution to anything is responsibility — NOT denial