Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality



Anything done for a “reason” is already corrupted and it’s bound to produce mediocrity.


There is only THE DOING. The choiceless, inevitable, endless ACT OF DOING – the very eternal wheel of the universe.


The best reason to do something is a WHIM. Anything more is utter delusion. You are deluding yourself that your action has meaning, and that you yourself have significance.


The best action is innocent. Unpretentious. Simple.


Obviously any form of self-assertiveness is utter delusion, rooted in our desperate call for (self) permanence.


The self is always the worst reason.


The best reason is the simplest reason. Most natural reason. Unpretentious reason.


The best reason is a humble reason. Savour-the-existence-reason. Stay-well-reason. Be-kind-reason. Ask-for-little-reason. Be-grateful-reason.

…don’t-die-reason. Stay-well-reason. Die-when-due-reason.


The problem of spontaneity, the problem of action which doesn’t leave the dreaded trace of dissatisfaction, apathy, meaninglessness, is solved by ascetic simplicity. (but not asceticism)


You don’t seek “the meaningful action”. You simply stop acting on your delusions.


You stop acting out of fear. You stop acting out of ambition. You stop acting out of insecurity. You stop acting out of desperation, greed.


There is no “ideal of spontaneity” to be cultivated. Be conscious – and you will be spontaneous. Be conscious – for then you can’t be unspontaneous.


There is no “should-do vs could-do”. Should-do is could-do. You could live or you could die or you could entertain the joy of living. All that is – IS – and there is no escaping from it. Whatever you could have done or should have done – you have already done.

Awareness of this entire process is the only freedom.