I will gladly steal the brilliant insights of greater then me and
post them/ tweet them/ write a fucking book about them
…as my own — because thats how little I care about looking good.
Every idea known to men shall be repeated infinitely many times.
You can’t really steal ideas.
It’s like stealing a drop from the ocean.
How petty a man worried about originality! Worried about honours due! Worried about justice and respect and all that!
Do you REALLY have time to worry about that?
Can’t mankind just BE CREATIVE?
Spontaneously build this world, one step at a time?
Expecting recognition is greediness. It’s scarcity mentality. To have scarcity mentality is to attract the world of scarcity, create a world of scarcity.
How do you expect to receive if you are not willing to give?
There really is nothing in this world beyond what you create right now. If you wait for recognition – you will keep waiting. If you wait for the benefits – you will keep waiting.
I am glad Internet aided dissemination of ideas. I am glad intellectual property is being stolen. It never really belonged to anyone anyway.
It really is time when you only get as much as you give. If you keep holding to it cheaply – someone will take it from you anyway. It is time to give, give for free, and receive for free.
The notion of stealing ideas is preposterous. There’s nothing to steal.
Can we now please work together?