There is no such thing as stupid but “GOOD”
Goodness is inseparable from intelligence
Goodness requires intelligence and wisdom
Not high-IQ-intelligence
Not book-wisdom
But it requires intelligence to see what is what
And it requires wisdom to see what is right
Seeing what-is-what is not the knowing-all or even the knowing-lot,
It’s mostly seeing what one can see, and not what one can’t see, with the eyes of delusion
Just seeing what can be seen
Seeing the few truths which actually matter
And that is how you treat others
That is if your actions are bettering yourself
And bettering your brothers and sisters
Without complicating this
And I don’t mean to simplify the great problems of the world
I’m just calling you to NOT over-complicate them
You know if the stupid shit you sell benefits others or not
You know if particular industrial activity solves more problems then it creates, or the opposite
(E.g. I think having warm house and light in the evening is a worthy problem to solve, despite a few side effects; etc)
You know if what you teach others is sincere or not
You know if what you preach is genuine experience and genuine contemplation — and not some nonsense you overheard or read somewhere or heard your mother or priest or guru or idol or clique or group rant about
Be simple about it first
When we start acting like we know more then we do
And like we’re more perceptive and intelligent then we are
That’s when trouble starts
That’s when delusion starts
And this delusion is the evil and the poison which infects your entire life, your entire being, and entire groups of beings and their lives
And then when you speak of goodness and the better world — you’re committing evil in your small world
You’re deluded, you’re a fool, and you’re also evil
There is no such thing as stupid but “GOOD”
Goodness is inseparable from intelligence
You can’t support your good intentions with idiotic actions. Incompetence is not neutral but immoral. You do more harm then good
You can’t have good intentions in the subject in which you’re an idiot
If you have no idea how to organise society — then you have no business talking about politics, let alone doing it
If you have no idea how the world is fuelled and why it’s fuelled and what other ways it could be fuelled and how much fuel we need or don’t need and what are the consequences of all that and what AREN’T the consequences of all that and what consequences are unknown — then you probably have no business talking about global warming
See you’re just a stupid fool in those subjects — and in every area in which you are stupid — you can only do harm
Therefore you’re not good
You’re just trouble
I call you to recognise ignorance as EVIL
And rid yourself of that evil
And don’t confuse it for nothing else when you see it
Oh and we all know the road to hell is paved with good intentions
That’s because goodness is inseparable from intelligence
And there’s no such thing as “stupid but good”