Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Supply and Demand of Your Psyche

The law of supply states that as demand raises — supply will also raise


Could we hypothesise that similar principle could govern one’s soul?

=The more one wants something — the more one strives to obtain it

CETERIS PARIBUS the more one wants something — the more one strives to obtain it. Assuming no forces interfering with it.


And indeed there are typically a lot of forces interfering with us NOT getting what we want,

To be precise — we don’t really want what we “want”. There’s a reason we don’t want it that’s often concealed from our perception


But let’s now consider that we DO want what we want — and the more we want it — the more we strive to obtain it

Not unlike the more DEMAND there is in the economy for given product/service — the more the economy increases the SUPPLY, to meet that demand


If that is true — then what perhaps follows is that:

-That one could always do better, do more — but it’s a function of one’s WILL, one’s motivation (demand)

-That giving the person what they want (increasing the supply) reduces the person’s motivation (reduces desire, reduces demand)


If this is true — then I am NOT so fond of:

-getting all I want

getting lucky

getting help


This is because:





is EVEN BETTER than getting what I want,

And yet, if I do it well — I get what I want as well


For meaning of life is indeed growing into one’s fullest potential,

And living fully,

There’s not much more going on in this life but living,

So live fully. EXPERIENCE fully. Become as ALIVE as possible,

Merely getting “what I want” is boring in comparison,

It’s GROWING and EARNING and THEN RECEIVING — which is a wonderful invitation to have a purpose, and be more ALIVE, more ACTIVE, grow STRONGER, truly THRIVE


This is how I believe one should live

And therefore this is how I believe SOCIETY should exist

Of strong individuals who can THEMSELVES get what they want


We of course could and SHOULD help each other

This is how we both get YET MORE of what we want,

But this is always a voluntary relation based on selfish self-interest — which in this case results in mutual interest


Therefore not systemic

Not if it can be avoided



I don’t just don’t want you RUINING the fun for me, taking me to the end of the video game of life WITHOUT letting me PLAY IT MYSELF

I actually WANT to make it HARDER for myself

Because I ENJOY the challenge

And because that’s what MOTIVATES ME more


Making it harder doesn’t mean sabotaging one’s efforts, mind you.

That is actually one of the most common ways of the aforementioned not getting what we want by NOT truly wanting what we want. I’d rather you make things easier than harder

What making it harder actually means is NOT TAKING THE EASY WAY OUT

DELAYING that gratification

And BENEFITING from that extra motivation, extra WILL, and extra patience,

And using it to GROW as a person — rather than to grow one’s gratification, for but a minute


We obviously have it WAY too easy nowadays

And this is why we’re so weak and demotivated,

Because we can so EASILY POISON OURSELVES with false satisfaction, or cheap satisfaction

It’s a downward spiral of decreasing motivation and WILL — resulting in ultimately having no volition whatsoever, no power whatsoever

THIS is perhaps the true curse of modernity

The curse is NOT that society is too divided and inequitable

but that individuals comprising it are too weak


Let’s pass up all that surplus cheap supply

Let’s rouse some of that INNER DEMAND,

Which ENERGISES the body and GALVANISES the spirit

Let’s use it to actually GET what we want, and by OURSELVES

And let’s experience the TRUE ECSTASY of PERSONAL POWER

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