
Systems Naturally Complicate Themselves

Systems naturally complicate themselves

Understanding innately entails simplifying


Systems naturally become more complicated. Whatever expands — becomes larger and more complex

You don’t have to make things more complicated. Things complicate themselves, naturally, innately


You don’t have to make things more complicated nor should you

Your job is to make things simpler

As simple as it is appropriate for the task at hand

If you make it too simple then you obtain erroneous results and fail

If you don’t make it simple enough you are inefficient

If you don’t make it simple at all then you just don’t get it and thus are unable


Systems naturally complicate themselves

You attempt to understand them by distilling patterns and meanings and dispensing the unnecessary and clearing noise and then organising and systematising and naming

There’s no need to complicate nothing — things will complicate themselves!


When things are too simple — you move on

When the game has played itself out and became solved — you find another game

You don’t overcomplicate

What you complicate is artificial and therefore nonsense

World is infinitely complex. Find some new puzzle to solve


Take it in

Don’t COMPLICATE whatever you do! Find a NEW GAME, boy

We want the excitement of novelty and the meaning which goes with the sense of exploration — but we also want to keep our ways, we want it to stay OUR WAY, we want it to remain familiar to us, and we want to keep our pride and ego with us, the one we assembled from our work thus far

It’s impossible


Leave your ego aside. Your expertise is nothing to be proud of. It will have became obsolete even before your own end

Once you solved a problem — find another one. Don’t CREATE problems around the problem you learnt solving because those are no real problems but some nonsense games

Be watchful of your penchant for complicating things. Ambiguity is how you delude yourself. Seek clarity instead

Simplify things. Don’t oversimplify. Simplify.

Don’t avoid complications. Existence is change is complications. It will find you. Be ready to answer them — rather then busy yourself with bogus-complications of your own making.