I know few man who can move themselves. Who can will their reality, will their action, will their mind — INDEPENDENTLY of the outside world. Most man are the product of outside forces acting upon them Most man are the product of outside forces acting upon them Therefore most man only get better if …
Tag: Accountability
There’s No Confidence, There’s No Humility — Only Action
It matters not what your ability is What matters is if you understand the extent of your ability, your competence, your knowledge “I know I know nothing” “All I want to know where I’m going to die so I’ll never go there” “To know what you know and what you do not know, that …
Will To Change = Know The Price
One’s willingness to change is measured in how much one is willing to PAY, to GIVE (to make that change). The idea of “no excuses”, or conversely of “Excuses” — are both meaningless. They say absolutely nothing about how much you’re willing to pay “No excuses” is an outright lie. Are you willing to …
Humans have many explicit AND IMPLICIT ways in which they communicate Likewise humans have different kinds of relationships (with closer relationships typically necessitating superior communication) The absolute fundamentals of communication are deeply wired: -you convey your feelings with your bearing -and others can feel how you feel -and human can always SENSE their place …
You’re CLUELESS About Risk Management
We all have some innate sense of risk-management. E.g. FEAR. And then we also have plenty learned methods of risk management. E.g. DIVERSIFICATION Alas we keep failing our “risk-management” in the modern world FEAR fails most of the time because most our modern “threats” are NOT mortal. Therefore you actually SHOULD take more …
About Childishness
I see a lot of adult children, childish I asked myself what is childishness? (I wrote about maturity previously: “About maturity”) A childish child: -doesn’t have responsibilities -lacks experience -lacks self-awareness (I suppose it’s a function of lacking experience) -doesn’t “fit in” (which is neither innately good nor bad. There is “good abnormal” …
Don’t Find Yourself In The Wrong Pursuit
You are only what you did today. Only what you tangibly improved today matters. Only what you tangibly improved today is real. You are only defined by what you tangibly did better today. You are only worthy if you were worthy today. Only good if you were good today. Not yesterday, and NOT tomorrow. I’ve …
Either Give Up Or Do Better
Either give up or do better. Never get used to failure. Never fail without good reason. Either give up already — or IMPROVE. It’s not “persistence” if you’re NOT improving. Either IMPROVE — or GIVE UP already. Even smallest improvement is a victory. But NOT improving is NOT acceptable. We have too many …
Daily Improvement Invariably Leads to Inner Change
I believe in TANGIBLY IMPROVING EVERY DAY. This is how I define success. This is how I define progress. I believe other measures are less reliable. The vital objection to this attitude is that GROWTH is not necessarily “DAILY”, and is not necessarily TANGIBLE, Growth is not linear. You can have a BIG DAY …
“More responsibility” means more responsibility. Therefore “more responsibility” does not mean the same amount of responsibility, and it obviously does not mean LESS responsibility. What many do is they TRADE responsibilities, They will take more responsibility for one thing — and give up responsibility for something else -1+1 = 0. You didn’t take more …