The END is NOT the END. (The end goal is not the real goal) What we do — we don’t MERELY do it for what it ACCOMPLISHES. But the PROCESS is NOT the END either (It’s not about the journey either, not per se) What we do — we don’t MERELY do it for …
Tag: Action
Investment, Return, and Opportunity Perception
Whether you like it or not — you are an investor. You invest your attention. You invest your time. And of course you invest your money — anytime you’re buying something One invests to get something in return So the point is obviously to get that thing in return indeed, And then it’s better …
Always take either FULL responsibility — or NONE. If something matters — you take responsibility. You personally make sure that it succeeds. Because you care, because it matters If something doesn’t matter, if something is not so important — then you don’t have to take responsibility You can dabble There’s nothing wrong with …
Challenges, Strength, Confidence
At any given time of your life you face challenges Challenge, of course, is only a challenge if it challenges you For some breathing is a challenge For others conquering the world is a challenge And for some breathing is not a challenge And for some conquering the world is NOT a challenge Challenge …
Entertainment is Boring
Entertainment is so fucking boring Fun is so boring Pleasure is boring too Work is not boring Fulfilment is not boring (Real) Challenge is not boring Love is not boring, power is not boring, strength is not boring It even sounds right, what I just wrote, all “philosophy” aside Who would put “fun” …
To Change Is The Only Thing Left
“The only thing that is constant is change” I often wonder about the hope for the hopeless Most of us have something to hope for But there are those man who don’t even have hope There’s nothing they hope for They are unhappy either way To those that have any hope — one …
Knowing a Formula — vs Actually APPLYING It
When you were in school, on your mathematics classes, you would learn a formula And then you had to apply this formula to solve a problem Knowing the formula was sufficient to solve the problem But it DIDN’T YET solve the problem You still had to apply this formula And that you had to …
Progression From Fun Uselessness to Fun Usefulness
It’s not what you do — it’s your attitude which matters Whatever it is that you’re doing — it ultimately becomes a projection in your psyche When you feel great — everything feels better When you feel terrible — nothing feels good at all Therefore it’s your inner state, and your attitude — is what …
The 10% Bias
A common way of manipulating others and ourselves is “the 10% bias” I made up that name. I’m not familiar with similar bias, therefore I shall describe it here myself The 10% bias is when you let yourself be seduced by an extraordinary promise — under the excuse that “even if it’s only 10% …
You Whine And You Don’t Even Realise It
(I touched on the subject previously: Complaining vs Changing vs Accepting But it merits further exploration) -There’s acceptance -There’s determination -And there’s whining Whatever you say, whatever you think, whatever you do, whatever you feel, is a manifestation of one of those 3 Acceptance is calm Acceptance is understanding Acceptance is contented …