You don’t do art to be creative You don’t dance to have fun You don’t joke to laugh You don’t seek thrills to get excited You don’t indulge to experience pleasure You don’t do things to be happy You don’t seek love You are creative therefore do things creatively (including art) You have fun …
Tag: Action
There’s energy and there’s resistance. There’s your physical energy. You can have more of it or less of it. We can argue all day about you being able to access more energy and do more, But there’s no denying the existence of physical energy One day you’ll have less of it, and eventually you’ll …
You’re CLUELESS About Risk Management
We all have some innate sense of risk-management. E.g. FEAR. And then we also have plenty learned methods of risk management. E.g. DIVERSIFICATION Alas we keep failing our “risk-management” in the modern world FEAR fails most of the time because most our modern “threats” are NOT mortal. Therefore you actually SHOULD take more …
You’re Doing The Stress Wrong
You’re doing the stress wrong Your muscles do the stress right: -muscle is stressed -it adapts (by growing and/or becoming stronger) -it is now more adapted to handle that stressor You make one of the two mistakes with how you work with stress: -you don’t stress yourself appropriately -or you don’t adapt …
Create, Give, And Be Moral
You should create more and then give more. It is morally obligatory. In doing so you take good care of yourself, and appreciate the gift of life — which is morally obligatory. In doing so you contribute to the world, making it a better place — which is morally obligatory. Why is it morally …
Don’t Find Yourself In The Wrong Pursuit
You are only what you did today. Only what you tangibly improved today matters. Only what you tangibly improved today is real. You are only defined by what you tangibly did better today. You are only worthy if you were worthy today. Only good if you were good today. Not yesterday, and NOT tomorrow. I’ve …
How to Use Nostalgia
Past is only useful as information, as a lesson. Past, psychologically, is an illusion. You no longer are in the past. The “past-you” doesn’t exist. If anything, the “past-you” and “future-you” are nothing but founts of pain. Therefore we learn to “let go” of the past. To “be in the moment”. Do let go …
Either Give Up Or Do Better
Either give up or do better. Never get used to failure. Never fail without good reason. Either give up already — or IMPROVE. It’s not “persistence” if you’re NOT improving. Either IMPROVE — or GIVE UP already. Even smallest improvement is a victory. But NOT improving is NOT acceptable. We have too many …
Daily Improvement Invariably Leads to Inner Change
I believe in TANGIBLY IMPROVING EVERY DAY. This is how I define success. This is how I define progress. I believe other measures are less reliable. The vital objection to this attitude is that GROWTH is not necessarily “DAILY”, and is not necessarily TANGIBLE, Growth is not linear. You can have a BIG DAY …
There Are No Ideas — Only Solutions
Nothing exists in a vacuum. Everything that exists does so because it relates to something, compares to something. Otherwise you can’t perceive it, can’t conceive of it. If there’s nothing to compare something to — then there’s just everything, which is nothing. It’s obviously the same with ideas. All ideas are relative. They only …