There are problems you solve — and there are problems you consistently fail to solve. What characterises problems you consistently fail to solve? -Too big and complex for you to even get going. Barrier of entry, barrier to even starting to make a change is too steep -“Simple but not easy”: hidden layers of …
Tag: Action
Cycle Of Delusion, Pessimism, Enlightenment
It’s a cycle: -delusion, ignorance, denial -acceptance, pessimism, desperation -growth, enlightenment Examples? –Dunning-Kruger effect –Gartner’s hype cycle –Four stages of competence -and most people you know Let’s explain the cycle: DELUSION, IGNORANCE, DENIAL -Anything you’re not knowledgeable about, don’t have significant experience at — you’re basically ignorant about -Since you’re ignorant — …
Failure Is Real, Success Is Real
Let’s define success as: *tangibly doing a little better at something specific*, let’s define failure as: *failing to do better whatsoever at something specific*, Success is not merely “doing better”. Anything can be defined as better or worse. You have to be specific. This is the trap of the “conventionally successful”. They think they …
Competition Is A Lie
Competition is a lie. Saying “I had competition” is identical to saying “it’s not my fault”. Which is identical to not taking responsibility. “Zero-sum-games” are a lie too. Games in which you gain at the expense of others are no games worth playing. Might as well not exist. Games in which there’s a hierarchy, …
A Professional Solves Problems Calmly and Quietly and Efficiently
There’s the problem and there’s the solution The problem is a tension which necessitates a release. The problem entails solution. Direct or indirect. Sometimes you eradicate the problem and sometimes you accept it. But a certain attitude must be arrived at Problem evokes motivation which results in pursuit of the solution. This motivation can come …
Social Expansion
Men want to obtain value and preserve value. Same is true in the social context: When interacting with the world — you want to OBTAIN VALUE and PRESERVE VALUE. How do we go about it? By some time in our lives we develop some default STRATEGY: —one which usually errs on the side of …
Decisiveness and Judiciousness
-There are decisions to be made -There are informations -Then there’s the process -And finally your computing resources: brainpower and time You can rarely make a perfect decision. And when you can — usually you do it instantly (because you already have the problem solved) You can rarely make a perfect decision — but …
What If I Murdered You
What if i murdered you if you didn’t do your best today you know there are things you want and do and there are things you say you want, some of the things you say you want you couldn’t even do – and you’re just saying you want to do them as a little …
To Be Serious or Not So Serious
Don’t be serious: —not attributing excessive importance to something, and in so not wasting physical and intellectual and emotional energy, and resources too – and then failing anyway, missing the target anyway, because your hands were shaking —not being a prideful, arrogant, conceited, self-important cunt – with all the obvious baggage which comes with it: …
Can’t Solve Delusion with Rationality
When you see an illusion – it doesn’t matter that you “rationally” know that it’s an illusion. You’re still seeing it. The problem is you seeing this illusion, NOT you being “rational” or not. Therefore the only solution is to see the reality, rather than illusion, Likewise when you believe something — it doesn’t …