Philosophy World

Creativity -> Business -> Art -> Consciousness

1. CREATIVITY is human prerogative 2. CREATIVITY is first practical — then transcendental 3. The practical value of creativity is solving practical problems. It’s as good as well it solves problems, as good as hard problems it solves 4. The transcendental value of creativity is how effectively it elevates consciousness, and how high   1. …

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Lifestyle Philosophy

Noble Escapes Are Still Escapes

Consider what it truly means to “use something as an escape” To use something for a specific purpose is to NOT use it for a different purpose, E.g. you could use an axe to chop down a tree and build yourself a wooden house — or you could use an axe to chop someone’s fucking …

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Lifestyle Philosophy World

Creativity Is Impossible to Replace

Creativity is impossible to replace Creativity is impossible to solve Creativity is impossible to obsolete   Creativity is the unravelling of the new Creativity unravels the new, creates something new, births something new Once it’s created — it’s NO LONGER new, Now it’s old. It was new BEFORE it existed. It was UNKNOWN before it …

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Philosophy World

Original vs Unoriginal

The point of originality is evolution It’s by definition original if it’s new   To evolve one must go beyond Go beyond the known and old Go into the unknown, go into the wild — and return with something new Some new contribution   Some new contribution But not just any contribution The point of …

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Lifestyle World

Tv Is Not Culture

TV is not culture You are no true cultured man   Cultured man educates himself Cultured man eradicates his ignorance Cultured man is interested in the world Cultured man enjoys great works of men Cultured man enjoys great art, great products, great beauty, great thought   No, cultured man didn’t watch every movie under the …

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Philosophy Spirituality

Art is Spiritual

  Art is spiritual Art is “high vibration” Art is lofty but unpretentious Art is creative and creative is life Art is beautiful and art is meaningful   Art is beautiful Beauty is spiritual Beauty is the mark of goodness Beauty is the mark of harmony Beauty is of the mark of peace Beauty is …

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