“To not improve is to deteriorate” “There’s no neutrality, you either improve or you deteriorate” No it’s not so simple When you’re going from points A to B — and point B is your goal, then getting closer to point B is considered an “improvement” and getting further away from point B is considered …
Tag: Change
Investment, Return, and Opportunity Perception
Whether you like it or not — you are an investor. You invest your attention. You invest your time. And of course you invest your money — anytime you’re buying something One invests to get something in return So the point is obviously to get that thing in return indeed, And then it’s better …
When You Feel Love
There’s the lovely Which is the good, the beautiful, the uplifting, the worth living for… etc. The point is not to define it. Let’s just call it “LOVELY” You and I are only so capable of finding the LOVELY, and experiencing LOVE It’s for we are distracted, myopic, narrow-minded, egotic, and POISONED The poison …
To Change Is The Only Thing Left
“The only thing that is constant is change” I often wonder about the hope for the hopeless Most of us have something to hope for But there are those man who don’t even have hope There’s nothing they hope for They are unhappy either way To those that have any hope — one …
Knowing a Formula — vs Actually APPLYING It
When you were in school, on your mathematics classes, you would learn a formula And then you had to apply this formula to solve a problem Knowing the formula was sufficient to solve the problem But it DIDN’T YET solve the problem You still had to apply this formula And that you had to …
Shameless vs Shame-free
SHAME is what protects you from CHANGING Ideally from changing for the worse But what is “worse” in the first place? Thus practically — shame often protects you from changing PERIOD. There are many LAYERS to SHAME, which can be shockingly independent There are things you’re ashamed of publicly but comfortable with otherwise And …
What Improvement Actually Means
Every single thing around you could be improved (Or, if it’s already perfect — it can still be changed, be made different) Every single thing around you can be improved It requires intent, Then realisation of that intent, There is a degree of exertion There is a movement of resources There is a change …
Why It “Feels Like It Was Yesterday”
Yesterday, or last year, or 10 years ago — you had a VISION of something you would ONE DAY do One day meant next day or next month or next year You did not do it You are no longer going to do it Likely it’s not even possible to do it now, 10 years …
No Regrets: Part II: Enlightened “No Regrets”
Test is continued from Part I: No Regrets: 3 Levels of “No Regrets” …and I’m not saying it’s easy This is why it’s enlightened. For as long as you’re in the paradigm of LOSS AND GAIN, of investment and return — you can never FREE yourself from regrets Because obviously the full insight to …
No Regrets: Part I: 3 Levels of “No Regrets”
There are 3 levels of “no regrets”: The negative level: self-delusion. The positive level: freeing yourself from regrets and starting over The enlightened level: living every moment like it’s your last, living every moment as though your dead future self told you how to live. The negative “no regrets” is a sure way to …