-Commitment is like a map, or like a plan, or like a guide. It’s the axis on which the momentum will be applied. -Momentum is like momentum — it’s the movement at certain velocity in certain direction — and the greater momentum the easier it is to sustain it and the harder it is to …
Tag: Change
Your life = you. You = your life
Ultimately, how you feel about life is how you feel about yourself, and vice versa. Because whatever it is that you call “yourself” — is ultimately but a collection of your life experiences. Unjust life creates unjust people. Tough life creates tough people. Loving world creates loving people. Boring life creates boring people. Comfortable …
Politics Doesn’t Matter, Politics Matter
Politics won’t save you. Politics won’t solve your problems. Politics doesn’t make you a better human being. Not having a clue about politics is a virtue, rather than a vice. ….until it’s not. When politics go bad — it’s bad. When politics go bad — it can kill you. When politics go bad — …
Live Two or Three Lives
You live one life and then you die. That’s what makes it so valuable. You go on vacations for a week and then you return to your old boring reality. Monday you are on vacations and next Monday you are back at work. Your vacations are even more boring than your work. But it’s …
Love Your Life and Revile Your Plans
The contrived notion is that you should hustle so hard that you hate your life, then critically look in the mirror and still not be satisfied “no pain no gain” , “tough love”, etc But that your wonderful future, and your wonderful purpose, and your wonderful drive make it all sweet! That you feel SO …
From Animal to Partner to Human to Transcendental (Rant)
You go from a desperate animal to a transcendental consciousness. You go from infinitesimal entity to the all-encompassing whole. The desperate animal sees everything from the myopic perspective of it’s own survival. Therefore everyone is either a tool — or a threat. In humans this involves either hardcore personality disorder — or deep, deep …
Solvable and Unsolvable Problems, Overcoming
There are problems you solve — and there are problems you consistently fail to solve. What characterises problems you consistently fail to solve? -Too big and complex for you to even get going. Barrier of entry, barrier to even starting to make a change is too steep -“Simple but not easy”: hidden layers of …
About Travelling
The value of travelling is not travelling. The value of travelling is THE NEW. The value of THE NEW is that the new is the promise of growth, evolution. You can’t have growth without changing, without developing into something different, something new indeed. On a deeper level — the value of the NEW is …
Ego is Stagnation
The moment you view yourself as more than no one is the moment you hindered your growth. Growing is trying and failing, Learning is not knowing, We think we understand this but we don’t. We “humble up” if necessary — until it becomes too threatening to humble up, Too threatening to our self-image. …
Failure Is Real, Success Is Real
Let’s define success as: *tangibly doing a little better at something specific*, let’s define failure as: *failing to do better whatsoever at something specific*, Success is not merely “doing better”. Anything can be defined as better or worse. You have to be specific. This is the trap of the “conventionally successful”. They think they …