Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

It Really Is ONLY What You DO

It’s really what you do, not what you have, not what you are…   You have infinitely many possibilities. INFINITELY MANY The problem is not with not having options, not having possibilities, not having opportunities, not having this, not having that… The problem is with WILLING The problem is with CHOOSING The problem is with …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

No Virtue In a Vacuum

There’s the “negative” It affects you. It affects you, more or less,   In a sense something is only “negative” IF it affects you, and only as negative as much it affects you E.g. there’s something horrible happening out there somewhere in the world — but it doesn’t affect you, you’re not aware of it, …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Life Gives You Exactly What You Need

Life gives you either exactly what you want, or NOT exactly what you want   If it gives you NOT what you want — it forces you to YOURSELF take what you want   That process of taking what you want, taking responsibility — is indeed the process of growing and evolving and elevating   …

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Lifestyle Philosophy World

Mockery is Easy (Mockery is a COPE)

Mocking is easy Mockery is even easier than criticism Criticism is already easy: find some fault, focus on it, blow it out of proportions, EASY Sounding smart is easy, being convincing is easy, But mockery is REALLY easy, because ANYTHING can be mocked, Stupid shit and wrong shit can of course be mocked, but even …

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Lifestyle Philosophy

Modes of Wanting

-there’s something one wants -one is more wanting or less wanting -one either believes that what-one-wants is possible or not if he believes it’s indeed possible… -one either ACTS ON IT , DOESN’T ACT… or it’s a SPECTRUM (a hierarchy) -and to ALL OF THE ABOVE he can have anything from NEGATIVE to POSITIVE attitude …

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Lifestyle Philosophy World

Creativity Is Impossible to Replace

Creativity is impossible to replace Creativity is impossible to solve Creativity is impossible to obsolete   Creativity is the unravelling of the new Creativity unravels the new, creates something new, births something new Once it’s created — it’s NO LONGER new, Now it’s old. It was new BEFORE it existed. It was UNKNOWN before it …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality


There are two modes: expansion and consolidation One is expansive and open and adventurous and MOVING Other is enclosing and retaining and protective and settling   We obviously rely on both: acquiring resources — then retaining them. If you’re only acquiring and never retaining — than your work is futile. Water seeps through your hands. …

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