Creativity is impossible to replace Creativity is impossible to solve Creativity is impossible to obsolete Creativity is the unravelling of the new Creativity unravels the new, creates something new, births something new Once it’s created — it’s NO LONGER new, Now it’s old. It was new BEFORE it existed. It was UNKNOWN before it …
Tag: Change
There are two modes: expansion and consolidation One is expansive and open and adventurous and MOVING Other is enclosing and retaining and protective and settling We obviously rely on both: acquiring resources — then retaining them. If you’re only acquiring and never retaining — than your work is futile. Water seeps through your hands. …
My Word = My Destiny
I say a word and now it’s reality how wonderful would that be ? whatever is the secret to such power — I don’t know it for sure but i know what is the opposite of that power it’s NOT keeping one’s word You say a word, wanting to WILL the reality, …
here’s the formula: o = outcome t = time r = resources = labour /capital / materials / etc. e = effectiveness o = e * r * t outcome = effectiveness * resources * time Your outcome is directly proportional to the resources you input, EFFECTIVENESS with which you do it, and time …
Own Idea of Success
There’s success And there’s “success” What is success? I don’t know To me success is what you did today, and how conscious you were, and how ALIVE, but to you? I don’t know But i know what it is not It is not what someone else tells you it is And it is …
Life As a Road
–life is a ROAD -you are venturing into the unknown -you are picking the best route — but you can never know if what’s before you is better or worse -later you find however that it’s all WONDERFUL -but it’s all different -and it’s all incomparable -and your experience of that road ultimately depends more …
I’m a Classist
I’m a classist I think man of higher class are superior to man of lower class It’s not the property of belonging to a class which makes them superior — it’s belonging to a class which causes, or caused them to become superior, be superior I.e. belonging to higher class pushes, or pushed them to …
Is vulnerability weakness or is it strength, actually? Vulnerability exposes your weaknesses. Therefore it exposes you. The real you, complete you: which is not just a fragmented, “perfect” you — but one which is complete: including your weaknesses. Therefore vulnerability exposes you to criticism. Therefore it exposes you to the (UN)TRUTH. It exposes you …
To Judge or Not To Judge
Update 2024.05.26: I have since written a more pragmatic take on the subject: To Judge or Not To Judge (#2) There’s observing And then there’s judging and comparing and labelling Indeed you must judge. Judge those you work with. Judge who to trust. Judge the potential dangers. Indeed you must compare. This is …
You Mismanage You
Your hopes about you cause you to misperceive, misjudge yourself When you don’t understand you — you don’t know how to deal with you; You don’t know how to manage you; Therefore you mismanage you; You don’t capitalise on your strengths — because you’re too busy making up for your weaknesses …