You don’t want “be calm” — you want to “be a calm man”. “Be calm” has wrong connotation in our culture. We make virtue out of staying calm when we’re provoked. We remind ourselves to “be calm” when we’re already LOSING our calm. This already presupposes LOSING one’s calm. Why do you even …
Tag: Clarity
Energy is as potent as it is CONCENTRATED. If you have energy pulling in all directions — then you’re going nowhere. You have some energy pulling you right and some energy pulling you left and as a result you move a little left and then you move a little right again, and ultimately, you …
Energy Just Is: Find More Energy
Energy just is Energy just is I don’t know how much energy is available to a single human. What if it’s unlimited? A single human could grab a lot of fucking solar panels and batteries and hoard fucking energy, Sun just is and it fucking soaks us in energy. What if it’s the same …
There’s overthinking and overacting. There’s a balance to find. The QUICKER you can test and tinker and iterate — the less you have to think. Why bother thinking — if problem naturally solves itself anyway. If the problem is NOT solving itself however — is when you obviously should stop and STRATEGISE. Repeating …
Time Mastery
Time mastery is mastering the use of time. Mastering the use of time means getting the most out of the time that you are given. Getting the most out of time you are given requires two conditions: -Understanding the VALUE of time -Ability to manage the time-resource The value of time is equal …
Decisiveness and Judiciousness
-There are decisions to be made -There are informations -Then there’s the process -And finally your computing resources: brainpower and time You can rarely make a perfect decision. And when you can — usually you do it instantly (because you already have the problem solved) You can rarely make a perfect decision — but …
What If I Murdered You
What if i murdered you if you didn’t do your best today you know there are things you want and do and there are things you say you want, some of the things you say you want you couldn’t even do – and you’re just saying you want to do them as a little …
I can consider action or actions someone is taking as admirable, as productive, constructive, as professional, as good, as moral I can also consider them inferior to the actions someone else is taking, or I myself am taking I can view someone’s philosophy, someone’s approach, someone’s overarching plan — as productive, as constructive, as intelligent, …