(By WEST — we mean Western values, enlightenment values, liberal democracy) West hating West is like VEGANS hating plant food Imagine a vegan only eating in restaurants, and only eating in vegan restaurants Except he HATES the vegan restaurants in this town He thinks the plants there are TOO sentient He thinks they …
Tag: Conflict
How You’re Brainwashed Into False Scepticism
Want the easiest trick in the fucking book? Tell someone that ONLY YOU KNOW THE TRUTH, and EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG, or LYING, Then tell them “THE TRUTH” ! ta-da look I wrote about the psychology behind it: “The Opposite Of Wrong Is Not True “ “What Really Happens When You Reject The Authority” …
Fair means it conforms to certain rules: whether agreed as a community — or at least internally consistent and transparent. Unfair means the opposite: it breaks the rules. Whether it’s rules decided as a community, or even any consistent and complete set of rules. Random means it neither breaks the rules nor is explained by …
Everyone You Know Is An Idiot
Everyone you know is an idiot You just don’t know it yet Everyone you know believes something that, if you knew they believed it — you would have thought they were idiots If not that then Everyone you know, if put in a new situation, with new problem to solve, REAL new …
What ACCEPTANCE Actually Means
True ACCEPTANCE is actually VERY HARD When we think we “do acceptance” — what we’re typically actually only doing is: –accepting something suboptimal… -…except with the CAVEAT that we will IMPROVE IT, ERASE IT …which is not truly acceptance, is it? We’re still WISHING TO SEE IT GONE, DENY IT TRUE ACCEPTANCE is …
God Is Always Watching
I like the concept that “GOD always watching” We lie to ourselves all the time It’s only when we know we can’t get away with the lie, is when we get serious -when it’s important -when someone’s watching, and knows By the way, why do we lie to ourselves? It’s not …
About Offending People
Being offensive is some of the most misunderstood subjects today A kind of confusion of true individuality and personal strength — with mere appearance of the irreverent badass, so strong so as to not have to worry about anyone’s opinion, or love I wrote about it here: Politeness vs Bluntness vs Hostile There’s offending …
Appeal To Moderation
Appeal to moderation is less stupid than it looks For the simple reason that moderation is so fucking hard Appeal to moderation is logical fallacy — in which it is assumed that the truth must surely lie in the middle, between two opposites It’s fallacious in that the truth doesn’t always lie in the …
Group Seeks Consensus, Individuals Seek Benefit (Truth)
Person holding one belief is more likely to hold another belief Furthermore person holding one belief is more likely to connect with another person holding the same belief — and then to agree with them on some other belief It’s quite astounding how similar two humans can become The memetic inheritance of beliefs of …
Social Cohesion, Social Media, Societal Self-Regulation
Every relationship is founded on mutual benefit How different or similar we are, how in love with each other or how disgusted with one another — makes no matter. As long as there’s a common ground of mutual benefit — there is a RELATIONSHIP Society is a relationship as well It’s more people connected in …