
Ability to Listen vs Ability to Understand

There’s ability to listen and there’s ability to understand.   Ability to listen is how well you listen. Ability to understand is how much you understand.   Most people have MEDIOCRE ability to listen. “OK” is good. “GREAT” ability to listen is someone who wants to hear you EVEN if he doesn’t understand. “GREAT” ability …

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Philosophy Spirituality World

Is World Competition or Cooperation?

You can compete or you can cooperate. You can look at the world and see competition — or you can look at the world and see cooperation. To see the world as competition is called “competitive frame”. To see the world as cooperation is called “collaborative frame”.   The world can be competitive or the …

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Philosophy World

What ENTITY Are You Dealing With Exactly?

There are entities. Entities comprise of entities. And entities comprise entities.   An entity is different to entities it is comprised of. An entity is different to entity is comprises.   Is it much different? Depends on scale. Depends on co-dependence. It can be very similar, It can be very dissimilar, Since entity comprising many …

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Lifestyle Philosophy World


I can consider action or actions someone is taking as admirable, as productive, constructive, as professional, as good, as moral I can also consider them inferior to the actions someone else is taking, or I myself am taking I can view someone’s philosophy, someone’s approach, someone’s overarching plan — as productive, as constructive, as intelligent, …

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Lifestyle Spirituality


When you’re more discriminating you can be more loving   Do you know why you get mad at people? You get MAD so that you can DO something, CHANGE something You get mad, you get upset, you grow discontented, you get worried, you get anxious — all of that so that you can DO something, …

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Lifestyle World

KNOW Your Relationships

Every relationship/organisation has a purpose Whether it’s building a rocket to space — or a 5 minute chat. Every relationship realises that purpose in accordance to certain rules: explicit or implicit For the relationship/organisation to realize those goals effectively there must be the division of responsibilities Thus you are responsible for “A” and “B” — …

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Complaining vs Changing vs Accepting

There’s complaining There’s making changes There’s accepting   There’s complaining = merely expressing dissatisfaction There’s making changes = taking responsibility and changing the dissatisfying There’s accepting = accepting the situation, whether changed or not changed   Of course complaining is not accepting And of course complaining is not making changes But it can be confused …

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Philosophy Spirituality

Truth Is Confidence

Truth is confidence   If you know the truth Then you KNOW To know is obviously to be confident And to know, actually know, is to know the truth therefore to know the truth is to be confident   (If you know the sky is blue — you are CONFIDENT the sky is blue. If …

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