Lifestyle Spirituality

PAUSE, Take a Breath

Pause Take a breath   Pause whatever you’re doing — pause close your eyes and take a long breath or 2 or 10 or set a timer, a short MEDITATIVE INTERLUDE   And the less you want to pause — the more VITAL it is that you pause Because chances are you don’t know where …

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Philosophy Spirituality

Give The Truth (And How)

There’s what you think There are those around you There’s care you have for them There’s what you understand about them There’s what you don’t understand about them There’s what you don’t understand There’s what you want from them   It’s all conflicted isn’t it? You believe one thing, They believe another thing, The truth …

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Philosophy World

Debating is a Stupid Game

Debating is a game. Debating is not the pursuit of truth. You pursue truth by living life, taking action, taking risks, observing results, verifying your models, taking more action, taking more risks. This is how the truth is revealed to you. You live it and you pay for it.   Debating is not the pursuit …

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You’re Not a Bad Person

You’re not perfect — but you probably are NOT a “bad person” Bear with me   We humans are sometimes too binary (and sometimes not binary enough) When things really matter — things like life and death — we learn to be decisive, we learn to be binary Things like good and bad We learn …

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Philosophy Spirituality

True Meaning Of “No Distractions”

There’s a spectrum between you: -being focused on the thing which must be done -being focused on everything else but the thing We explore the whole spectrum: sometimes getting “in the zone”, sometimes procrastinating entirely, sometimes everything in between, multi-tasking, etc.   You can do whatever the fuck you want You don’t even have to …

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Philosophy Spirituality World

Solving Confusion with Delusion

You are confused. You can remain confused. Or you can try eradicating your confusion. You try eradicating your confusion. You try a little or you try hard, you try basic solutions and you try drastic solutions… You solved your confusion or you did not. If you didn’t — you return to ground zero, to step …

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Philosophy World

About Different Humans

There are similarities and dissimilarities. Similarities are similar, identical — and that’s that. Dissimilarities are different, dissimilar. There are infinitely many ways in which two things can be different — and only one way in which two things can be similar.   Dissimilarity is an innately contentious issue for humans — because we are ambitious, …

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Hostility is Violence

Hostility is violence To want to see someone “get what he deserves”, “get punished”, “be taken down a peg”, is to be violent. To insult someone, to mock someone, to deride someone, is to be violent. To not want the best for your fellow human beings, for your brothers, for your enemies, is to be …

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