-PLAYFULNESS, PLAY, is just trying out new things = TINKERING -TINKERING is how you solve problems too -Life is but solving problems -Therefore life is fun Life is fun It’s not fun because you say it’s not fun. It’s not fun because you have expectations, you are entitled. You want things to be your …
Tag: Creativity
About Travelling
The value of travelling is not travelling. The value of travelling is THE NEW. The value of THE NEW is that the new is the promise of growth, evolution. You can’t have growth without changing, without developing into something different, something new indeed. On a deeper level — the value of the NEW is …
Competition Is A Lie
Competition is a lie. Saying “I had competition” is identical to saying “it’s not my fault”. Which is identical to not taking responsibility. “Zero-sum-games” are a lie too. Games in which you gain at the expense of others are no games worth playing. Might as well not exist. Games in which there’s a hierarchy, …
Creativity Is Impossible to Replace
Creativity is impossible to replace Creativity is impossible to solve Creativity is impossible to obsolete Creativity is the unravelling of the new Creativity unravels the new, creates something new, births something new Once it’s created — it’s NO LONGER new, Now it’s old. It was new BEFORE it existed. It was UNKNOWN before it …
Gratitude and Inspiration
You want to be grateful, AND inspired. You don’t want to be dissatisfied, and ambitious. Dissatisfied means not satisfied. There’s something to be satisfied in life about — but you are not. The gift of life alone is something to be happy for — but you are not. Ambitious means NEEDING. It’s a …
What To Do Before You Die
When you: -do your best -ALWAYS seek to still do better, never satisfied -stay utterly humble: perfectly separated from your work, verily just an instrument of god (or world, or devil, or money, or muse, or destiny, you name it) -ITERATE LIKE FUCKING CRAZY -and get lucky +aren’t crazy (we all are a little) then …
Original vs Unoriginal
The point of originality is evolution It’s by definition original if it’s new To evolve one must go beyond Go beyond the known and old Go into the unknown, go into the wild — and return with something new Some new contribution Some new contribution But not just any contribution The point of …
Money and Energy
Money is a form of energy With money you can move certain things, the way you not necessarily can without it You can move a lot with money Physically and beyond You can put things in your hands, made things You can move you in space, quick You can nourish your belly You can …
Speak More (Honestly), Speak Less (Nonsense)
Writing and talking is so much fun that the temptation to talk and write without having anything to say can sometimes take hold Do you always need to have something to say? Sometimes you only learn you had something to say once you started talking So on one hand we have the meaningless …
Action Cures All
Action cures all Action cures all It’s the only next step because only the action IS a step It’s the only response because thought and emotion are no response — just a reaction. It doesn’t answer the problem- it only reacts to it. Thus perpetuating it. Only action can solve your problems …