Lifestyle Philosophy World

True Growth vs False Enhancement vs Cynicism

You’re ugly and imperfect and ordinary There exist better being than you Their mere existence threatens you. Don’t deny it because it’s not a subject for a dispute. If they join your environment — they join ABOVE YOU in the hierarchy — therefore you get demoted in the hierarchy. Therefore you lose (that collectively we …

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Lifestyle Philosophy World

Society, Rules, You and “Your Business”

It’s not just “your business” It’s not just “your business” who you are and what you do It’s everyone else’s business (unless you’re living in the forest)   Obviously you are responsible You are first responsible for “your business” But then there’s everyone else you affect, And then there’s how they affect you And that …

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Philosophy World

Quotes Entail Misquoting…

Words entail misunderstandings Quotes entail misquoting   one could rant forever about the limitations of the words, philosophically limitations of the words to describe, examine reality with wiser man did that before   I see a more prosaic problem, in our prosaic everyday life. In our prosaic everyday life, we take sentences, quotes, words away …

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Philosophy World

The Level of Detail

At any given subject you have a certain understanding This understanding could be shallow and general, or it could be deep and detailed   There are two reasons why you don’t necessarily always want a high level of detail: -observing, understanding details, then creating a detailed model — are resources-consuming. You may want to devote …

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Lifestyle Philosophy World

To Not Be Cynical in the Age of the Internet

EVERYTHING is on the internet today. You can see everything, learning everything. You don’t have to search for knowledge. knowledge finds you. You don’t have to search for experts. experts find you. The barrier of entry has been reduced to 0. Do you know what’s the last barrier of entry? Actually DOING something. Actually testing. …

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Lifestyle Philosophy World

I’m a Classist

I’m a classist I think man of higher class are superior to man of lower class It’s not the property of belonging to a class which makes them superior — it’s belonging to a class which causes, or caused them to become superior, be superior I.e. belonging to higher class pushes, or pushed them to …

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Lifestyle Philosophy

Consuming Knowledge and Stories

You want to do more — then learn more, know more You want to live more — then learn more, know more (stories)   You want to do more — then learn more, know more: RELATE your ACTIONS to the body of knowledge You want to live more — then learn more, know more (stories): …

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Lifestyle World

KNOW Your Relationships

Every relationship/organisation has a purpose Whether it’s building a rocket to space — or a 5 minute chat. Every relationship realises that purpose in accordance to certain rules: explicit or implicit For the relationship/organisation to realize those goals effectively there must be the division of responsibilities Thus you are responsible for “A” and “B” — …

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Lifestyle World

Anything Stagnates

I often write how man stagnates …but anything stagnates – any entity.   If you stagnate – do something new. Do something different. Do things you do different. If an organization stagnates – make it different. Make it do things different.   And if you won’t – the difference will come from the outside – …

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