Philosophy World

Racism Is Merely Subset of Hate

Racism is merely subset of hate It’s irrelevant who you hate — the problem is with hate itself   Anti-racism is silly because it only perpetuates the problem By hating on haters you become a hater All that is achieved is perpetuation of hate Therefore you have more racism and more discrimination and all that …

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Spirituality World

Criticising Your Neighbour

I begin to doubt the existence of such thing as VALID CRITICISM OF A PERSON You can only criticise ideas and attitudes   I’m the last to avoid offending But when I see a fool I just see foolishness When I see a fraud I just see confusion When I see an evil-doer I just …

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Spirituality World

Pop Culture Reflects Us

Pop culture reflects us… and makes us, whether you’re “above it” or not Learn from your reflection of who you are   You’re not so different than the POP culture Maybe it reflects the worst of you or maybe worst of you reflects it There’s a link some of us are trying to deny   …

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Lifestyle World

About The Video Games

Yes video games are addictive, rather unhealthy and kinda useless But so are most things, to some extent. Like with drugs — video games are not to blame — but misuse The same misuse we make of money and resources and sex and food   Video games are no more useless then art, or fiction …

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Philosophy Spirituality

REAL Social Justice

  Our society is not perfect. It’s a fact. There are many societal problems which I won’t even state. I imagine you have your own problems with society. Now, how do you go about those problems?   We, humans, have an unfortunate tendency to identify. We identify with things. What we identify with – we …

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Justice Is Pride

What is justice? Can you look at justice and see what justice really is?   Is justice not pride…?   Psychologically, we create “justice”, so that we can make, and believe, that the world is FAIR.   Why would we want the world to be fair? Because we are proud, envious, ambitious creatures. We want …

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