Man was perfect before he knew ambition. Ambition = insecurity. …not good enough, etc. Clearly we are all different but it is when we think we are better that we think we are worse, and when we think we are worse is when we think we are better. There is no “feeling BETTER” without …
Tag: Culture
Cynicism Is A Bitter Escape From Being Judged, Just Like Ambition Is A Corrupted Desire To Be Judged Favorably
One fool rambles all days about his great plans, the other laughs at his inflated ego. One fool babbles all days about all the immensely VITAL matters, all the things needed to be done, all the DUTIES and RESPONSIBILITIES… the other mocks his fervid protestations, his stern sense of responsibility, his uptight disposition… One fool …
The Less Competition There Is, The More Money To Be Made And LESS Time To Be Wasted For EVERYONE
I’m no socialist or leftist or any stupid fucking label. But please, investigate with me this simply reasoning: When two companies manufacture the same product… isn’t it twice as many people doing the exact same thing? Isn’t it twice as much work with setting up the whole process in motion, all the planning, all …
Motivation Is The Opium Of The People
I fucking hate the culture of motivation. So dull. Nothing like concealing the inner emptiness with more empty words, empty declarations, empty exclamations. You don’t fucking need motivation. If you want to do something — do it. Don’t witter about it. Motivation is the opium of the people. You buy “MOTIVATION” to numb …
Don’t Change The Society — Change Yourself
It tires me and disappoints — anytime I see somebody’s attempts to change the culture, change the society, change the world. What pomposity! Change the world!! I believe your main motivation is RECOGNITION. Being no one bothers you, so you go on finding ways to be something. I also think your attempts, if these are …
I’m Not A Student Of History – I Am A Student Of The Self
If religion is opium of the people, so is politics. We have two dogs set at each other, a dull entertainment for the overexcited voters. Studying history is very humbling. It makes you realize the insignificance of one man, one society, one country, one culture. Larger powers rose and came into ashes, long before you, …
You Respect Others Because You Crave Being Respected
The whole lofty ideal of RESPECT is built around the fundamental humanly need of being something. You can’t respect yourself without respecting others first… …or disrespecting! You want to be something – therefore you create the label of respectability. Then, you assign it to some, and to some you don’t. There is NO respect …
Just Because You Aren’t Assertive Doesn’t Mean You’re Not One Bothersome Motherfucker
Just because you aren’t assertive doesn’t mean you’re not one bothersome motherfucker Please stop bothering me And when u do I shall be Assertive One shall be more assertive And less fucking bothersome first * We bother others because we are so self-important and so unreliable too. I say – we …
Your Holidays Let You Pretend That You Live
Have you noticed how important it is for everyone to go for some HOLIDAYS, take many pictures, and post them on facebook…? I do not even mean to tell you what to do or not do. It’s just that it seems like holidays serve a very different purpose then enjoying your life. Holidays make you …
Why Is The Truth Offensive ?
Have you noticed facts are offensive? Men and women are different but you have to be cautious with expressing those differences… overstep the mark a little bit, and you are chauvinistic… or racist. Or mean! You can’t even call out a fat person. Indeed, minorities exploit the noble notion of tolerance, but our unwillingness to …