Life is tension Tension between life and death To be or not to be Tension between being and not being One day you are — next day you are not Life is tension One day you’re “good enough” — next day you’re rejected The wisdom is not in convincing yourself that you are indeed …
Tag: Death
How DEAD Is It? What’s left?
What’s LEFT does not replace that which has passed The photograph does not replace the person, though it looks the same The person that changed is NOT the same person, though it’s named the same The place feels different without someone or something, though it’s still the same place etc Let’s not pretend …
Is It Ok to Be a BITCH?
I always knew that being a BITCH was wrong Only my reasons were misguided Being a BITCH is not wrong because people will not like you or respect you (Caring about such things is ACTUALLY being a BITCH) Being a BITCH is wrong because it’s WEAK CONSCIOUSNESS And so are associated characteristics …
No One Dies Perfect
No one dies perfect Everyone wastes their potential There’s absolutely no reason to believe that ANYTHING should EVER solve, should EVER improve, There’s every reason to believe that you will die, and you will die having failed to solve your problems, have failed to improve you What follows is, A degree of …
Ruthless Before The Ruthlessness of Existence
You do have to be ruthless Because the ending is ruthless, definite Impermanence is ruthless Once you truly understand just how ruthlessly everything will be taken away from you, this opportunity to live and create — you understand you must be ruthless in response The rules are clear: when the end comes — it’s the …
Ultimate Loss
every loss in life is just a prelude to the ultimate loss every loss in life is just a prelude to the ultimate loss one day you give it all up why’s there all this suffering and grief upon losing loved ones or experiencing misfortune? why’s there all this suffering and grief — …
The Change, The Reality And The Death
What you call “reality” is modeled on the feedback that you’re receiving. The feedback that you’re receiving is based on actions which you’re taking. It is based on your activities. (If you eat rice and broccoli every day – you are going to think that all food tastes like rice and broccoli. And you will …
You Want To Be Angry
There is anger which is beyond the ordinary annoyance. There is anger which goes far deeper then mere temporary frustration. There is anger which is not merely temporary, which is not quickly-passing, which is not easily provoked nor easily dispelled. There is anger which roots all the way down to the very SELF, where it …