Lifestyle Spirituality

Positive In Negative

You don’t want to be positive in a negative situation Being “positive” in a negative situation is just being delusional You want to use that negativity to exit the negative situation — THEN be positive   If you do avoid negative outcomes and do create positive outcomes — there is EVERYTHING to be POSITIVE about, …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Accepting and Resigning

Accepting is but full comprehension of the situation. That involves comprehending what is possible within the situation, what is not possible, and what it not known to be possible.   ”Resignation” is failure to comprehend the situation. It denotes failure to comprehend the possibilities within the situation, the actions which can be taken. It also …

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Lifestyle Philosophy


  -there’s the thinking vs doing dichotomy -first one only does — breaths, walks, eats, lives… -then one hopefully learns to think; Not everyone does, mind you -then, some of us become infatuated, with this THINKING-GAME -thinking can then become an end in and of itself -one then hopefully returns to doing -this doing must …

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Philosophy World

The Opposite Of Wrong Is Not True

I’ve noticed an uncommon but insidious trend: -one observes that society is oft wrong (already as a teenager, when mind is ripe, though callow) -one sets about finding his own truths -again and again one finds that societal paradigms are unfavourable to him, as an individual -one begins to generalise that society is “always wrong!” …

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Philosophy Spirituality

The More You Idealise The More You Demonize

  the more you idealise the more you demonize   this is because idealisation and demonization are basically the same both are perversions, distortions of reality   idealisation is not the opposite of demonization the opposite of idealisation is reality and the opposite of demonization is reality   please see for yourself: -those who idealise …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality World

Subjectivity > Objectivity

We have ideas about how good something is and how attractive and how desirable This car is more premium then that car This career is more lucrative then that career This girl is more attractive then that girl This lifestyle is more desirable then that lifestyle This food is more healthy then that food This …

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Why Do You Care…

Why do you care about being rich if all you want to do is watch netflix and play video games? You don’t have to be a millionaire to do either   You say you want to be rich but you want to play video games Obviously money will elude you Because you don’t really want …

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