Life is tension Tension between life and death To be or not to be Tension between being and not being One day you are — next day you are not Life is tension One day you’re “good enough” — next day you’re rejected The wisdom is not in convincing yourself that you are indeed …
Tag: Desire
Asceticism Doesn’t Get To The Cause
There’s the problem of DESIRE — which is a problem of a false god, of delusion There’s the problem of OVERINDULGENCE — which is a problem of being distracted, ineffective — and all that in vain — as the pleasure is empty. By CEASING DESIRE-pursuits and PLEASURE-PURSUITS and becoming an ASCETIC — you do …
No Desire?
Desire is craving is compulsion is lack is dissatisfaction is suffering WILL is choice is consciousness is insight And joy is joy, and pleasure is pleasure DESIRE You are suffering therefore you desire You desire therefore you’re suffering It’s a circle Desiring brings you suffering, dissatisfaction And it distracts you from addressing true causes …