Lifestyle Spirituality


Is vulnerability weakness or is it strength, actually?   Vulnerability exposes your weaknesses. Therefore it exposes you. The real you, complete you: which is not just a fragmented, “perfect” you — but one which is complete: including your weaknesses. Therefore vulnerability exposes you to criticism. Therefore it exposes you to the (UN)TRUTH. It exposes you …

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Philosophy Spirituality

Ultimate Loss

every loss in life is just a prelude to the ultimate loss   every loss in life is just a prelude to the ultimate loss one day you give it all up   why’s there all this suffering and grief upon losing loved ones or experiencing misfortune? why’s there all this suffering and grief — …

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Healthy Relationship With Fear

Fear is not completely illusionary. It’s usually 90% illusionary   It’s better to be wrong 9 times out of 10 and live then be right 9 times out of 10 and die Fear is duly overcompensating You should learn from that ancient, evolutionary mechanism It’s the one whose over-prepared and overreacting that survives   With …

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Healing The Symptoms

Its not just that healing the symptoms is not healing the causes — but that healing symptoms precludes healing causes, by making the problem invisible Healing the symptoms doesn’t just fail to address the problem — it actually makes it worse Therefore you should altogether avoid addressing symptoms or numbing yourself or distracting Because then …

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Lifestyle Philosophy

Fear As The Truth About Risk

Fear is exciting until it is overwhelming This nature of fear reveals the truth about life: Risk is advantageous until it is excessive. Then it becomes harmful. (At least when you’re antifragile)   Your default risk-management system — FEAR — doesn’t always understand the risk concerned. Most people overestimate the risk in their own lives. …

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XXI Century Fear

All fear is ultimately useless for all the fear in the world can still not protect you from the imminent death.   Fear can be disregarded altogether for as long as you DON’T DIE.   The point of fear was never to stifle you. In fact — the point of fear was to keep you …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Fear; Away from Fear; Beyond Fear

I thought there were 3 standards of fear. 3 permutations.   One is the pure presence of the FEAR ITSELF. It’s the fear unfiltered, fear present and real. It’s the fear which just is, and we have not addressed it or treated it in any way… we haven’t labeled it, we haven’t repressed it, we …

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Philosophy Spirituality

One Fears Unknown

One fears unknown Fear prevents one from achieving one’s goals Else it simply feels bad Or just plainly obstructs the vision   Thus one responds by either Evading the unknown, Or by making it known But perhaps there’s a different approach entirely One of accepting the unknown And the fear that goes with it   …

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