(By WEST — we mean Western values, enlightenment values, liberal democracy) West hating West is like VEGANS hating plant food Imagine a vegan only eating in restaurants, and only eating in vegan restaurants Except he HATES the vegan restaurants in this town He thinks the plants there are TOO sentient He thinks they …
Tag: Freedom
Is Life Tension or Is Life a Cruise?
Life is tension Tension between life and death To be or not to be Tension between being and not being One day you are — next day you are not Life is tension One day you’re “good enough” — next day you’re rejected The wisdom is not in convincing yourself that you are indeed …
Vulnerable, but Also EMOTIONALLY
There’s the entirety of your psyche: what you want, what you like, what you do, what drives you, etc It’s your thoughts and feelings and actions You feel more or less comfortable with revealing this PSYCHE of yours We tend to feel the most comfortable with our actions — since everyone can see them …
Gentlemanly Lessons From Chess
“Play stupid games — win stupid prices”. Chess is no exception Even if you’re a grandmaster — quit chess, it’s a waste of life Gods are embarrassed with you That’s one lesson of chess — don’t waste life on fake games, fake competition, and fake prices Ok, there’s one more lesson to chess …
Morality of Profiting at the Expense of Others
Should you profit at the expense of others? If others don’t matter — then it doesn’t matter if you profit at their expense or not. Just like it doesn’t matter if you satiate your culinary desires by eating succulent steak, at the expense of some cow But if you claim that others matter …
Adults Aren’t Mature, Just Stuck Up
Adults are not more mature and serious, They are only less cheerful and playful, more stuck up and fucking lame and uncool Kids are fun and mischievous and bubbly They are also inexperienced and irresponsible and unserious Most adults are inexperienced Life is vast Most man did fuck all Their experience is closer …
Give Up To Reallocate Resources
There are only opportunities You find the best opportunity and then go in that direction How far you went doesn’t matter — if a better opportunity emerges You just change direction Why is “perseverance” an ideal, then? Perseverance is an ideal because of OPACITY involved, UNCERTAINTY involved You actually DON’T KNOW what …
Social Cohesion, Social Media, Societal Self-Regulation
Every relationship is founded on mutual benefit How different or similar we are, how in love with each other or how disgusted with one another — makes no matter. As long as there’s a common ground of mutual benefit — there is a RELATIONSHIP Society is a relationship as well It’s more people connected in …
Nothing’s Free Yet You Received a Gift Yet You’re Entitled to SHIT
What’s the price of life? What’s the price of freedom? Life is not free Freedom is not free You’re not free to live as you please You’re not even necessarily free to live The world created you and the world might as well swallow you instantly You could have never been born …
Imitate Properly, Puppet
Since you’re a soulless puppet Why not be a happy puppet? We learn via imitation And lose our soul in the process Deal with it Since you’re an imitator anyway, At least do the imitation properly At least become conscious WHO you imitate WHAT you imitate WHY you imitate Make that choice consciously …